I sit on the roof of my high school smocking my last cig from my pack. my feet dangle off the side of the shitty brick billing. I watch as the normal boring preppy kids shuffle in. i stare down at my Dr. martens and old fishnets. I see a flash of..pink?..pink hair?! looking closer I see a tall boy in a black hoodie that says "hellboy"  with ripped up black jeans.. with fucking pink hair...like me. everyone in this shitty town is "normal" boring plain hair, stupid outfits, everyone is just a basic bitch here and there so far stuck up in there own ass they think originality is the most insane thing ever. I really wanna meet this boy. 

I grab all my shit and put my cig out. I run down the steps and go to the office to see if he is in there because I know hes new here. and there he sat in his pink hair glory. The counselor was talking to him. at this point I didn't get a good look at his face because all I can Focus on are his tats. he looks over at me and I mouth out the words "cool tats" smiling showing mine too. he looks down slightly giggling. this fucking lady will talk your ear off so I help him out. "alright, alright Barbara don't make his ears bleed he knows how school works, don't ya pinky?" 

He nod smiling. "good." I replay smiling back. she doesn't say shit to me, no one dose i'm the principals kid. 

"well i guess you can handle this then, seems you've already got a friend." she says walking away muttering.  "thanks." he says standing up..and fuck o mighty is he tall. I bit my lip, blushing hard. I  got a real good look at his face this time and holy shit hes fucking hot. he noticed and garbed my chin softly making me look up at him his thumb pulls my lip out from my teeth. "stop biting your lip its distracting" he says looking me dead in the eyes I  grow even more red. his thumb brushes over my lips one last time before his hand moved away. I missed it being there.

he made me feel week and submissive, that's never ever ever happened before. I think i'm in love. 

I look down shyly, not knowing what to do. I just want to feel that again, it was like I was high off his touch.  and one touch leads to an addiction. I'm hooked and its the only thing on my mind.

"I-I...fuck.." I try to get out words but nothing comes out other than a faint whisper of fuck. he knows exactly what he did. 

"names Gus, most people call me peep though." he states smirking. I blink getting lost in his words his voice is beautiful.

"I-Im uh..I'm Franky." I get out looking down shyly. 

And just like that I fell face first into a whole new feeling called love and lust.

wish i didn't have a heart to love youWhere stories live. Discover now