me and him were the only people in the office right now so we just sat down waiting for the first bell. my hand hangs off the arm of the chair and all of a sudden there is another hand holding mine. my face heats up again and I let out a small whimper. hes fucking me all up and I just can't make  my heart calm down. he leans over to me, lips close to my ear.  "I can read your mind little mama. I know how you feel about me, don't worry though I like you to." he whispers. I let out another soft whimper. his hand softly pulls you up and now your standing in front of him as hes still sitting. I'm bright pink i'm shaking. he pulls me closer so I  fall into his lap. "I-i Mm th-the bells gonna ring any sec from now..." I mange to resist  the erg to wiggle around on his lap. "yes I know princess." he said smiling. you look down at your lap and blush. once again his hand is pulling my chin up so i'm looking into his eyes. I lean into his touch. 

warm. fuzzy. good. want. all the feelings rush through me  

"god your so pretty." he says leaning in slowly I blush and i know whats gonna happen next..eyes closed and he leans in a little more.  his lips touch mine softly letting me know hes not just wanting sex he means this. he pulls away. I open my eyes slowly looking into his chocolate brown ones.  "lets get to know each other today after school?" I nod" i have art last period meet me there?" he asked I nod again. the bell rings. I stand up and look at my boots. "n-need any help f-finding you classes.." i ask  shyly. "nah, i got this boo." he said grabbing his bag throwing it over one shoulder.  "ok.." you replay softly. "be a good girl today." he says walking out of the room leaving me there confused and in love. 

I walk out as well and go to homeroom. just then I relies i didnt get his number..hes just playin with me.. bet.. no one can like me..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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