Chapter 3

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The plan was excecuted flawlessly as expected however we did not expect proximty sensors leading fifteen meters out, so thats when we had to improvise. " Hey, Angel, lets play a game most kills has to buy dinner for the whole crew," I breathed through my comms. Everyone was silent until She broke the silence saying " Okay! " with so much enthusiasm it was quite strange. We pushed into the through the cheap fence and my squad was to apply pressure from the front while the others snuck in from the back swiftly assassinating the Senator, in and out.

This time we were different, we all led a frontal assault except for me and Angel. I was getting those weird jitters again, man I needed to fix this, I thought . we busted the back doors open taking out the first two guards down easily. quickly clearing the other rooms, we ended up with one door that led to a flight of stairs, down to a bunker.

Though our training was so extreme, we entered with caution. I stepped down first with Angel on my six. The staircase went on a bend to get even lower though we were already about fifteen feet deep. The stairs led to a brown steel door, which crumpled like paper under our shockwave breach* and soon two MP-5's were in our faces.

I had no problem with the gun in my face, I had these situations multiple times but Angel was freaking out and strangely that bothered me, that they were making her uncomfortable. 'I shouldn't have these sort of protective instincts towads her' I thought to myself. A low growl escaped my lips as they pushed the gun closer to her head and in two seconds, one could say I moved at an inhumane speed, I had disarmed both guards and had my pistol at one and, his own SMG pointed at both of their faces. My keen ears picked up on a whimper from the Senator and I smirked firing both guns simultaneously then, my head slowly turned to the Senator and out of my rage I just aimed and shot. I walked over to Angel just to ensure that she had not suffered of any wounds, then I walked out into the front lawn to clear my head from those wierd thoughts I had.

All the crew walked out the building, litterally no one sporting any wounds, much less scratches. I had gotten a bit cofused at my sudden protection intincts of Angel and decided to make it quiet. "Listen, what I did down there," I pointed down "stays quiet,". her face was slightly shocked but I guess she would understand.

I raised my hand to the button of my comm and I pressed, usually someone would answer but all i got was static, then a series of clicks like a... Cicada.

"Press your comms!" I yelled and all I heard was that constant click... and it was terrifying.

Then so suddenly the ground right in the middle split and speakers popped up and out came a voice I didn't want to hear in a million years, the voice of my father.

Forgetting the fact that I was in the middle of my crew and that I shouldn't show any weakness, my knees buckled and I covered my ears. Angel ran over and grabbed my shoulders, attempting to shake me from my stupor but I just wasn't responding. These clicks were having an effect on me, controlling and I wasn't liking it.

When the clicking finally subsided, I got up and looked around at my crew, we had just witnessed the uprising of a new enemy, and since he just broke into and probably killed everyone in the Agency, had to be the worst we have had yet.

For all our training, what we just witnessed, was the most drastic of all situations.

There was no conversation between any of the Army. There was only silence. Nothing like this had happened in all the many years of the agencies life.

Finally, Monster got up, an began walking back to the OSPRAY, no words spoken. Through a mutual understanding of what we needed to do, we all followed him. The standard protocol was to travel to the nearest safe house and await orders, if there were any.

We flew, for 18 hours to the nearest safe house where we stayed awaiting order that would never arrive

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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