Chapter 14: The Realization Part 1

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The news both was, and was not, shocking to Raven and Octavia. They knew the pair would end up doing something eventually, but not this soon and definitely not that.

Clarke didn't want to talk anymore after revealing what her and Lexa did in the bathroom at the party. She just sat in the back of the car in silence the rest of the way home, drawing random shapes into the condensation that collected on the window.

The three rode back to Raven's house, with only the sound of the quiet radio playing. Once there, Raven and Octavia helped Clarke out of the car and up the stairs to Raven's room, where they were going to spend the night. Clarke was drowsy now and didn't really want to put in the effort of walking, so it was basically Raven and Octavia carrying Clarke the whole way. They set up a spot for her on the ground next to the bed, with a pilow and a blanket. They put her on her side and bent her upward most leg. They knew she probably was fine, but they just wanted to be safe, just in case.

So much had gone on in that night the Octavia and Raven's heads were buzzing. Once they finally got situated in Raven's bed, all important events came rushing back to them. In the wake of Clarke's reveal, they nearly forgotten all that had happened between them. Well until now

"Sooo," Raven started, "Now that we have her contained, you wanna talk about what happened before she stumbled upon us?"

Octavia blushed and looked to the floor.

"Well," she started, "I think it's pretty obvious what happened."

"So does this mean we're..."

"Dating?" Octavia finished.

"I mean," Raven started, feeling her face redden, "I'm down if you're down."

Octavia grinned from ear to ear and nodded quickly. She lunged into Raven and wrapped her arms around her. Raven was quick to reciprocate. They giggled and held each other tightly. Octavia pulled back slightly to look Raven in the face before kissing her on the lips, both of them smiling the whole time. They then pressed their foreheads together and just looked at each other, grinning and not saying a word.

Octavia then planted a quick peck on Raven's lips before allowing them to fall back onto the bed. Octavia buried her face in Raven's neck and Raven stroked her hair. They fell asleep like that. Happier than ever before in each other's arms.


Clarke awoke too early for her liking. As soon as she opened her eyes, the light from the half open curtain seemed to have penetrated her skull. A rough, throbbing pain consumed her whole head and she cursed the sun for being so bright.

A hangover.

Clarke couldn't remember a thing from last night, probably a good thing, she thought.

Sleep was not an option anymore. Her head hurt too bad and the sun was too bright. Clarke pulled her poor body up and immediately regretted it. Water, she thought.

As she stood up, she noticed Raven and Octavia completely molded into one being. She would've felt happier for them if it wasn't for this pain that is now throughout her whole body.

She gracelessly walked to the bathroom and grabbed a little paper cup from the cabinet.  She filled it to the brim with tap water and took it like a shot, feeling the cool water flow through her body. A couple more cupfuls later, she decided to assess her appearance in the mirror.

Her hair was disheveled, her mascara and lipstick smeared.

Wait, I wore lipstick last night? Clarke thought to herself. Slightly alarmed, Clarke looked at herself again and her heart stopped when she looked into her eyes.

They were both blue.

Just then, the memories from last night came rushing back in. She remembered getting separated from the group. She remembers watching Lexa with that girl. She remembers drinking all that vodka and Raven telling her to stop. And then she remembered...

"Shit," Clarke said to herself, "Fucking shit." she said louder. She heard movement from the bedroom.

Clarke started to breathe heavier as she was freaking out. No matter how many times she looked away and looked back, her eyes stayed the same.

"What the fuck is going on?" Clarke said to herself.

"Clarke?" A voice said, startling Clarke. She turned around quickly to face the voice. It was Raven, standing in the doorway with a concerned look on her face, "Are you okay?"

Clarke shook her head quickly, even though the motion made her nauseous.

"N-no not really." She stammered out.

"Look, Clarke, if it was about what you did last night, you were drunk and you didn't-"

"No, Raven, look," She pulled her friend closer to her and pointed to her eyes.

"Wh- Oh my god," Raven said in amazement, "They're-they're both... blue?"

"What's going on in here?" Octavia said tiredly as she stumbled into the now crowded bathroom.

"Look," Raven said and pointed towards Clarke's eyes. Octavia immediately woke up when she saw it.

"Holy fucking shit," she said in amazement.

"What does this mean?? What am I supposed to do???" Clarke asked frantically.

"Well after what happened last night I think you should talk to Lexa." Raven suggested.

"No no no, that's the last thing I wanna-" Just then, Clarke's phone rang. It was Finn, "Fuck! I forgot I have a fucking boyfriend too!"

Clarke answered the phone and left the bathroom. Raven and Octavia both just looked at each other.

"Well," Raven said and let out a breath, "Good fucking morning,"

"You can say that again." Octavia replied.

"You know what, I'm done with this shit!" The pair could hear Clarke on the phone from across the room, "It's over and- no no, I don't even wanna hear it. I'm done, we're done and that's it." After a second, Clarke hung up the phone and walked back, "God. So much is going on and the last thing I wanted to do was talk to him."

Octavia and Raven just looked at each other again and exhaled.

"Goddamn." Raven exclaimed. "So much just happened and it's not even nine yet."

"How do you think I feel? I can't even think," Clarke said.

"Well, you better start because you need to figure out what you're gonna say to Lexa." Octavia said.

"Fuck." Clarke said then her eyes widened as she came to a realization, "Guys, what if Lexa's eyes are-"

Clarke was interrupted by the sound of Octavia's phone ringing from the other room. She went to go get it and the other two girls followed.

"Well speak of the devil," Octavia revealed as she waved her phone in the air, "Sup Lex! What are you doing upso ear-" Octavia had appeared to be cut off by Lexa. Ger eyes widened and jaw dropped by what Lexa had to say," No fucking way,"


hey yall!! im not dead!! sorry for this long awaited update. college is super rough. i just wrote my fourth paper of the semester (i still have 6 more fml).
i really wanted to get this out tho. i really love this story and im gonna complete it no matter how ling it takes

i feel like the beginnings good but towards the end its rocky idk. its kinda predictable what lexa said but who knows????

thank you for sticking w this for so long (also just realized its the three year anniversary of lexas death in the 100. yall thats fucking crazy. it feels like yesterday. its been three years since i got inspiration for this story. THREE FUCKING YEARS. its literally insane. thats all i got thank u bye)

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