Chapter 17: Caught

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Their disheveled look could easily be blamed on the closet in which they were sheltering. The fear in their eyes could be explained by the potential tornado outside. What couldn't be explained was the quite compromising position they were in when Lexa's parents opened the closet door.

The small space they had squeezed themselves in inside the closet was unforgiving to quick movements. By the time Lexa's parents had opened the door, Clarke was still over top of Lexa. While not directly pressed against her like a few minutes before, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

As soon as they saw Lexa's parents open the door, fear struck them straight to their core. They froze for a brief second, not believing the situation they were in, then scrambled out of the closet, not caring what kind of collateral damage they were causing.

"Y-you guys are home early." Lexa said as her parents looked between the two of them. Clarke noticed that Lexa's mother was a near mirror image of Lexa, just older. They had the same chin, nose, eye shape- everything. Her father on the other hand had strong, brooding features and his stature seemed to dwarf everyone else in the room.

"Yeah, we heard about the storm and wanted to get on the plane before it got bad." Lexa's mom said. The two girls just nodded.

"Wait, speaking of, is there not a tornado or something outside?" Lexa asked, panic beginning to break through her already nervous voice.

"There was a very very small funnel cloud that got sucked right back up almost as soon as it came down. It never even got the chance to touch the ground. The storm is clearing as we speak." Lexa's dad said and motioned to the window. It was significantly lighter outside, a stark contrast to the pitch black that engulfed the outside before Clarke and Lexa hid in the closet.

"We took shelter in the nearby takeout restaurant and ended up getting us all dinner while we were there," Lexa's mom held up the bag that neither of the girls even noticed until now, "If we would have known that you had someone over we could have picked up more."

"I- yeah sorry about that, I just didn't know when you were coming home a-and, yeah." Lexa stuttered out. Clarke wondered if Lexa always got like this when she was nervous.

"You must be Clarke, right?" Lexa's mom asked, finally addressing her.

"Y-yes, I'm Clarke."

"I figured. Lexa talks about you all the time, I was wondering when she would finally bring you over to meet us. Although, I wasn't expecting our first meeting to go quite like this." Lexa's mom said and the two girl's faces lit up a bright red. Lexa's parents just laughed. "Oh stop looking so scared, we were young once too. My name is Annie by the way."

She reached out her hand to Clarke, which Clarke took.

"I'm Gustus." The tall man also held out a hand, which Clarke shook after she shook Annie's hand.

"Nice to meet you both." Clarke said. Her whole body untensed once she shook Lexa's parent's reassuring hands. She really saw the end of her life when her parents caught them like that. How crazy that this was only the second time they had kissed each other and they got caught.

"Well, the food is getting cold with us just standing here. Clarke, would you like to join us? I'm sure Lexa wouldn't mind sharing!" Clarke looked over at Lexa to see she had relaxed as well, "Here Lexa, go set this on the table, my arm is tired."

Lexa nodded and took the bag as she slipped off into the kitchen.

"I would love to stay and eat, but I have to get home. I'm sure my mom is worried about me." Clarke said and Lexa's parents nodded.

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