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Zoe’s POV

I looked up from my phone and looked over at Darcy playing with one her toys on the carpet. Tears were filling up my eyes and I felt so powerless for not being able to stop them. – Chummy do you want to order dominos for tonight? Matt’s paying. Louise shouted from upstairs. I nodded forgetting that she can’t see me. I looked back at my phone. He wants me back I whispered. I closed my eyes, a tear fell down my cheek and I tried to focus on my breathing. Louise comes up behind me asking – Are you alright chummy? You usually react so well to pizza. I can hear her smiling. I say nothing fighting the panic bubbling inside me. She sits down behind me on the sofa. – What’s happened?” she ask calmly, suddenly realizing it really is something wrong.  I try to make myself speak words but there’s nothing coming out from my mouth. After a while I say – He wants me back... My voice is week and hardly noticeable. I can’t help it; all those bottled up feelings come up to the top. Louise wraps her arm around me and I sob feeling the comfort of her familiar smell. There is a silence between us for a couple of minutes but then Louise finally says. – Well that’s not happening! How even dare he contact you after everything he’d put you through. You are staying here with us chummy she says firmly and you can hear the anger underneath. But I just I sniffle into her pink cardigan, loving my best friend so much in that moment. –Thanks I say and give her a half smile. Louise looks at me and smiles back. Then she says – I miss your real smiles, the ones who reach your eyes. We just sit there holding each other tight not having the energy to say nothing at all.

Alfie’s POV

The sun was shining through my window right into my eyes and I sit up. – POPPY!

 I scream, my raspy morning voice almost startled me. I hear laughter downstairs

–Morning Alfieee my sister shouts up. I can literally hear her grinning. – Omg why did you do that it’s not even… I check my phone on my bedside table. – POPPY, UUURGH ITS NOT EVEN 9 AM WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?! The only answer I get is a muffled bye little brother as the front door shuts behind her on her way out. –Right it’s Monday, she has work

I think to myself as I go over to shut the blinds once again. – Wake me up when July ends I mutter. Or at least when Marcus gets back. As I make my way back to my comfy bed I think to myself. This is pretty much the worst summer I’ve had in years. I’ve never been this bored in my life. Everyone’s gone and the weather is shit. Marcus is in America with Niomi and her family to visit her grandparents. Chai is away on holiday with his family too. I’ve hung out a couple of times with Holly but she has work just like Poppy so she can never hang out for very long. A loud sigh slips from my mouth. I would have been with Kimmi but the last time we saw each other she was acting really odd. I didn’t want to think about it to be honest. But to say I was confused was an understatement. Hungry, bored and confused well this is a summer is definitely a summer I want to forget. I got to make up for it when everybody is back in Brighton again. At least we have tickets to Reading festival is I think to myself as I slowly falls back to sleep on my mountain of six pillows. 

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