Chapter 3

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Eight months. It's been eight months since Izuku first met All Might. Eight months since that slime villain incident. Roughly eight months since he applied for UA's entrance exam and has been studying like his life depended on it. Which, in a sense he supposed it did. And finally it's been around seven months since Izuku and his mother have changed their family name back to Inko's maiden name; Akatani.

Izuku Akatani.. It would take some time to get used to, but Izuku kinda liked the ring to it.

"Izuku! Hurry down and eat so you don't miss your train!"

"Ah! Right sorry Mom!"

With that Izuku straightened out his middle school uniform as he headed downstairs to eat. UA didn't really specify if you should wear your middle school's uniform, or really something fancy. But, Izuku would rather play it safe so, middle school uniform it is.

"Took you long enough dear. Now come on, egg rolls are still warm, toast may be a bit hard though. Oh! There's some fruit slices too! I can put them in a baggy for you to take!"

Izuku was, momentarily shocked. Inko had set the table with plates of toast, egg rolls, and various fruit slices. She looked very pleased with the ensemble, hands clutched together in front of her chest with a grin.

"Mom you didn't have to make all this.."

"Oh don't worry, I wanted to! After all you have your entrance exam today! Want me to pack a bento of this for your lunch intermission?" Inko had already turned her body away to grab a bento box, but kept her gaze towards her son.

"I'm sure there's some small places I could get lunch around there.."

"Bento box it is."


"I don't want my baby getting lost or not have enough to pay for lunch. So just let me put some of this in a box for you alright?"

"I, well okay, if it makes you feel better that way."

"It would. Now come on, eat while I pack some food for you."

Izuku just nodded as he sat to eat, his mother plucking some egg rolls and fruit slices into a sectioned bento box, along with a carton of green tea with a mutter of, "oh we still have some left, i'll add them to the list." Soon the box was packed and Izuku was slipping on his shoes to quickly make his way to his train.

"You have your phone right?"


"And you have your train pass?"

"Yeah I have it! I have some extra yen in case too."

"Oh good. Remember to call me during the lunch break and when the exam is over Izuku," Inko reminded him as she tucked the bento box in Izuku's scuffed yellow bag. She'd have to throw it in the wash when he returned home.

"I will, I promise Mom."

"Oh you better, because I will 'Blow up your phone,' as kids say nowadays."

"Aw mom please!"

Inko laughed and straightened up, always willing to tease her son. "Oh hush, I'm joking. Now go on! Don't miss your train! Oh! Here's the- oh where is it-"

"I already have the spare key mom!" Izuku called out, halfway out the door.

"Good luck Izuku baby!"

Izuku waved towards his home and mother until it was out of sight, focusing back on sprinting to the station, train pass secure in his pocket. Izuku made it to his train with no problem and was glad to see there was a wave of kids streaming into the UA gates.

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