The story behind...

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A boy is sitting in the corner of the road.

A car is moving and suddenly it stops.

A lady is sitting inside the car.

Lady: What happened driver??

Driver: Wait a minute mam. Let me check..

The lady and the driver get out of the car.

Driver: Mam actually....

Lady: What??

Driver: Mam actually the tore got punctured.

Lady: What!! Now what do we do?

Driver: Mam I will go and search for a mechanic shop madam. Wait madam...

The driver leaves

The lady sighs.

She sees the boy.

Lady: Excuse me... Do you know any mechanic shop here?..

The boy gets up and goes near the lady.

Neil: Do you have beer??

Lady: Huh!! What are you talking??

Neil: Do you have or no..

Lady: Ya it is there in the car but it is my father's. He hides it from my mother. You can drink half of it.

Neil goes and brings the bottle.

Neil: What... Half?? Ok then I don't want to drink.. Can I share my personal with you.

Lady: It is midnight and you ask a girl beer. It means you may be a very big drunkard or I think love problem.

Neil looks down.

Lady: Looking at you I don't think so you are drunkard.Then pakka it is love problem.

Neil looks at her with emotion.

Lady: Who is the girl??...


Hey ppl!!
So how was the first chappy.
I know you'll didn't understand it right now. You will soon understand....

For the ones who didn't understand
Actually in this story the main male role narrates the story to a girl whom he meets. So this is the thing which happens when he meets the girl.

In the next update the story will be said.

Hope you'll understood guys.

If you'll didn't know then you can comment me

Love love,

I will do anything for you, MADAM😘Where stories live. Discover now