Chapter 1

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Hello! Hopefully I have some returning readers for my new story! It's all about a girl named Jessie Lawrence who attends a public college in California because it is what her grandma (who is sick in the hospital) wants. She meets a boy named Christian who she can't seem to resist even though they act like they hate each other. 

Once again, the main female character will be played by MEGAN FOX. She plays Jessie very well in my opinion. 

Enjoy ;) 

Jessie yanked and pulled her four massive suitcases into the elevator of the dorms. Her back ached from being on a plane for four hours and her toes were scrunched inside her two-year-old pair of white converse. She stacked one of the suitcases on top of the other to try and lessen the amount of trips she would have to take from the elevator to the dorm room. Classes started in a month, but it was important to Jessie that she get settled in early and become familiar with her surroundings.

She pressed the button that read 3 in the elevator and the butterflies in her stomach flew around as the elevator lurched upwards. She frowned when the door stopped on level 2 and it opened to reveal a tall, muscular blonde boy with shoulder length hair. He stepped into the elevator next to her and smiled as he removed his sunglasses.

"Hello there," he said with a devilish smile.

"Hi," she greeted. She could see out of the corner of her eye that he was eyeing her body up and down, from the converse on her feet to the bundle of brown hair she had on top of her head.

"And who are you?" he asked, placing one hand next to her head, cornering her in the elevator.

She reached over and pressed the button 3 once more and watched as the elevator doors slowly shut.

"I'm Jessie," she said. "And you?"

"Tom," he replied. "I haven't seen you around campus much,".

"Well I just got here," Jessie said, motioning to her luggage.

"Oh sweet. Who are you rooming with?" he asked.

"Um," she stuttered. She looked down at the key that the counselor had given her and looked back up at Tom making eye contact. "Whoever is in room C4,".

"Ah you're with Francesca and Lay I believe," he said while letting out a deep breath. "You're in luck, I hang out with them a lot so you'll be seeing lots of me,". He leaned closer towards her and she turned her head slightly so she wouldn't have to directly face him.

She let out a breath of relief when the elevator door opened. She grabbed her suitcases and dragged them into the hallway. The one that had been stacked on top of the other fell off and hit Tom's toe.

"Ouch!" exclaimed Tom. He bent down and rubbed his toes.

"Whoops. Sorry," Jessie said honestly.

"Let me help you," he said.

She shook her head.

"No it's fine, really. Thanks though," she said, hauling her luggage down to room C4.

She stopped outside a black door that had a piece of paper taped to it reading "Francesca Babineaux, Layla Bailey, Jessie Lawrence". Jessie inserted the key into the lock and turned it a couple times fidgeting with the door knob. It finally opened and she rolled all her stuff inside the room. It had a pretty large couch sitting along one wall with a T.V. facing it. A bean bag sat in the far left corner of the room and on the right corner nearest to the door, the living room branched off to the kitchen. There were three doors: one on the left wall, one on the wall across the living room ahead of Jessie, and one on the right wall. The left bedroom's door was flung open with music blasting from it. The other two doors were closed. Jessie walked over to the door on the right side and knocked twice. She didn't hear anything so she twisted the doorknob and jerked it forward. It was an empty room with a full bed and a desk. It had its own bathroom and a closet. She walked back out the living room and found herself face to face with a girl whose light brown hair reached her butt. She was wearing a short pink cover-up over a white bathing suit.

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