Chapter 8

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Jessie had just gotten comfortable on her bed when two big hands roughly pushed her back, causing her to fall off and land face first on the floor.

'What the hell," Jessie grumbled.

She poked her head up and peered onto the bed where Christian was laying comfortably on his stomach. He had his arms and legs spread out across the sheets, resembling a starfish. She breathed out of her nose in frustration and stood up, placing her hands on her hips.

"Christian get out," she demanded.

"Make me," he replied, showing no sign of any intent on moving.

Jessie let out another huff of air before crawling onto the bed and trying her hardest to shove him. After five solid minutes of using all the arm strength she could muster, she had barely achieved moving his legs. His body now looked like a starfish with one less leg. She heard Christian let out a long, low chuckle at her unsuccessful attempts at getting rid of him.

She would have to try something a little different.

She placed her hands near his shoulders and gently leaned down planting a series of kisses on the back of his neck.

A smile spread across his face and he slowly flipped over, allowing her to begin kissing his jaw. She made her way over towards his ear, forcing a shiver down his spine. Christian placed one hand on her ass and the other on her lower back.

Jessie seized her opportunity and placed her knee on his jewels, causing him to squirm and jump right out of bed. He clutched his private area and dropped down to his knees in pain. He groaned and leaned forward, squeezing his eyes shut.

Jessie let out a happy sigh and spread her body out on the bed in victory.

"I knew it'd work." she chimed.

"You are such a tease." Christian commented.

Jessie let out a long laugh and smiled at the ceiling.

"But two can play that game." he leered.

Before she knew what was happening, Christian had his hands traveling up and down her sides and his knees planted on either side of her hips.

"It's not going to..." she faltered slightly when his soft lips made contact with her ear lobes, "work."

She knew it was a big fat lie the second the words left her mouth.

She gasped in surprise at how good it felt. Christian left a trail of kisses down her neck and chest. He used a finger to slowly pull down the top of her tank top and bit his lip in amusement as she slapped his hand away from her chest and aggressively flipped their positions. Jessie straddled him and leaned down and purred in his ear.

"You want me so bad."

"Not as bad as you want me." he whispered back.

Jessie saw this as a challenge.

She kissed his jaw and hovered above his lips, getting close enough so that they were breathing the exact same oxygen but not close enough that their lips were touching. She leaned down further and placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth and gave it a small lick with the tip of her tongue. She pressed her chest to his chest and his breath hitched in his throat. She moved her hips slowly and gently rubbed her front against his. Just as she was about to kiss his lips, she stopped abruptly feeling his little-well rather... big-friend start hardening with excitement.

"I'm not the one with a boner." she said seductively.

"If I was doing to you what you just did to me, you'd be just as horny." he retorted, staring into her eyes with intensity.

She chuckled and Christian found it extraordinarily sexy.

"I don't think so." she countered.

"Wanna bet?"

Jessie tilted her head slightly and her lips twitched as she tried to decide.

"How would we know who loses the bet," she asked.

"Well," he began to whisper, "whoever gets so turned on that they beg for the other person to do.. naughty things to them, loses."

"You've got yourself a challenge," she said, licking her lips.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the bathroom and try to calm down my 'buddy'." Christian said.

He got up and sauntered into the bathroom, making sure to lock it.

Jessie laid her head down on her soft plush pillow and bit her lower lip. Could she win this bet? She had to. If she lost, Christian would never let her forget. This could be harder than it seemed; with a guy as handsome as Christian, it would be easy for her to cave in and beg him to take her right there and then. However, Jessie is one of the most competitive people out there, so she will definitely put up a strong fight.

She closed her eyes and fell into a long blissful sleep. She dreampt of making out with Tom, which weirded her out very much. He was holding her waist and gently stroking her hair while shoving his tongue down her throat. Hmm, Jessie thought, tastes like corn dogs.

Jessie bolted upright in her bed breathing heavily. Why the hell did I just have that dream, she thought. She physically shook her head, ridding herself of the vivid make out sessions between her and Tom.

Sh swung her legs off the mattress and pulled on a pair of blue slippers, padding into the kitchen.

Jessie stiffled a yawn while pulling out a couple slices of whole wheat bread. As she plugged the toaster into the outlet to power it on, she noticed that the toaster looked a little different. Perhaps Lay or Francesca invested in a new toaster since the last one sucked anyways.

Stuck to the front of the toaster was a bright yellow sticky note that read 'New toaster is voice activated'. Jessie rolled her eyes in disbelief and placed her bread into the toaster.

"Uh..go?" Jessie said, unsure of how to get it to toast her bread.

Nothing happened.

"Go on, toast!" she demanded.

Still nothing happened. Jessie quirked an eyebrow at the seemingly broken voice-activated toaster.

"Turn on," Jessie said, pointing her index finger at the device. "Cook toast. Heat up. Do your job! What is wrong with this damned thing!"

Muffled laughs came from behind her. She spun around to see an iPhone pointing at her in front of Christian's wide grin.

"Seriously?" Jessie groaned. "What is going on?".

Instead of answering, Christian just whooped with laughter so hard that no sound escaped from him.

Realization dawned on Jessie and she grumbled in embarrassment. This was the exact same toaster she had before. She turned the toaster around on the counter to see, just as she thought, that the toaster was the same old crappy one only it was turned around and a sticky note was slapped onto it to make her think it was voice-activated so she would make a fool out of herself.

"You suck." she said, turning the toaster around and turning it on with the black knob.

"It was funny." shrugged Christian.

"T'was amateur," Jessie retorted. "I'll get you back."

"I'll be waiting babe. God I can't wait to post this online,".

Jessie turned her back on him and leaned forward onto the counter waiting for her bread to be done toasting. She pulled out a knife and a jar of grape jelly and patiently stood at the counter.

Some moments later, her toast popped up looking perfectly crisped. Before she could grab it, two hands came out from behind her head and snatched the toast up, slobbering it with jelly.

Christian pressed his front into Jessie's back, forcing her to shudder. He placed a single kiss on her neck and backed away, toast in hand.

"Thanks for the breakfast Jess." he smiled.

She heard the door slam and sighed. This bet was certainly going to be harder than she anticipated.

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