True Vindicate

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one day
there was
one young lad
caught due to over speeding

the problem is
he had so many violation
that he was
sent to court

but the judge
was his father
what a dilemma

the father
talked to the officer
who caught him
for over speeding

judge: how much my son owed?
officer: about $900

the judge
knows he had
no money to pay

so the judge
took off his robe
went to the cashier
paid the $900 bill
went back to the bench
raised the gavel
struck the sound block

judge: case dismissed

Romans 5:1

having been justified by faith
we have peace with God
through our
Lord Jesus Christ

do we really know what justified means?
it means not guilty

in theology
declared or made righteous in The Sight of God

if we put our faith in
Jesus Christ
he paid the penalty to all our sin

In the story that was the judge did for his son

are you sure you are justified?
where does liberty takes you?
take a moment

God bless

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