Dreaming(Chapter Sixteen)

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  Harry looked around seeing blackness. He saw nothing but blackness. "Harry? Harry?" *voice fading* Harry looked around but he didn't saw nothing. No one but black. "Who's there?",harry asked."Harry",the voice came closer. Harry looked around."Who's there?",repeated harry."Harry....its me Louis!" Harry reacted fast when he said Louis."Louis! Louis! Where are you?",harry looked around seeing everywhere. "Harry I'm over here!Come closer!" Harry looked around,"Where?" "Come!!" Harry walked, trying to figure where Louis was. Then he saw some some light. Harry ran to where the light was."Hold on harry!",Louis said,"Don't go there!" Louis suddenly appeared in front of harry."Louis!',harry said."Harry! I miss you! What are you doing here?" "I dunno. What are you doing here?" Louis touched Harry's hand,"I'm unconscious, I'm dreaming right now.." Harry gave out a smirk,"I dunno why I'm here. But Louis I need to tell you something." "What is it?",said Louis. "Louis's will you forgive me. I made something ,well I did something awful to you.Will you forgive me?"

"Harry I'll always forgive you! No matter what! You're my Hazza! I know you really did'nt mean it! But the push that you gave me really hurt."

"I'm sorry about that."

"No worries ...well as your here, do you see that light?"


"Well that's where I'll be going soon. Do you know what I mean?"

"But .... how do you know?"

"Harry just look at me! Well not right now, but out of me. They all know whats going to happen to me. I'm a mess. I just has a heart attack! I cant control my body anymore. I'm getting sicker and sicker everytime! My time is almost up and I want you to be strong."

"Louis, I don't want this to happen."

"Harry, just.......please! I promise I'll be with you somehow."

Louis kissed harry's soft lips, making harry's lips tremble.

"Harry don't cry! I love you! And I want you to be happy.Now I have to go harry.",Louis said letting go and leaving away from harry. "Louis...Louis please! Come back!",harry said.


*End of dream*

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