Chapter 15

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wow this writing is soooooooooooooooooooo tiny! Is cute!!!

it was a second ago? Weird ...

.Chapter 15

The one thing that Michael could rely on to draw the stress out of him, like a syringe pulling out poison, was climbing into bed with his wife. He felt guilty that it had taken him so long to come back to being a generous and warm lover. He'd let business pull him into being a steely man.

Her body was changing. She had softer curves, and as she filled out, it was doing something to his libido. She'd always been slender from her modeling days, but the extra weight she now carried from the pregnancy aroused him. She was voluptuous, her hips more rounded, her belly now showing, and her breasts swelled with a lushness that spoke to Michael's sex drive.

As Natalie watched her profile change, she'd stare into the mirror feeling huge.

She'd never seen her stomach protrude this way, and she was only half way to her delivery date. Her hips were getting wider, and her breasts were changing, too. She traced one of her nipples that was slowly darkening, examining each and every inch of her new body. How Michael found her attractive during this time was beyond her. She was thankful he was enjoying the changes, but after modeling and being so body conscious, this new shape felt huge.

Pulling on her underwear, she cried.

She'd have to rely on granny panties and maternity clothes, stretchy fabric that would allow for her changing figure. How could she be sexy if she was round and plump? And yet Michael was more attentive than he'd been in a while. They hadn't even been together that long, barely married a few months, and this is what turned him on?

He'd cup her breast, squeezing it gently, raving about her newer, fuller curves. They were at an impasse; he liked how her body was changing, but she felt less and less attractive every day. She didn't mind being pregnant, though the earlier morning sickness was no treat, but the idea that their child was growing inside of her was fascinating, and she felt a bond she couldn't explain. It's just that she wasn't used to looking this way, round in too many places.

Michael left his frustration at work that day, because if Marcus pushed the issue one more time, he was going to snap. He'd already agreed to do things how Marcus wanted, even though it felt shady. Now he was pushing to cut a few more corners to save money. This wasn't how Michael planned to start his business, on shaky ground. Only with as much money as Marcus Grant invested, it wasn't Michael's business, it was their business. MD Insulators may hold his initials, but it was Marcus's golden pockets that paid the bills, along with the loan they only secured because of Marcus.

Natalie had been on her feet for too long, working at the diner. He wanted her to quit, to be able to take care of her, and now that his business was getting started and the business loan had come through, he pushed for her to stay home. She wasn't ready to give up the little bit of income that was helping.

What if things didn't work out, then what? Working as a cashier at a boxed diner wasn't exactly her dream, but it gave them a little bit of cash, and right now every bit helped. She'd quit after Michael's business picked up, and after she gave birth. For now, there was no reason she couldn't ring the register, checking people out. It was certainly nothing like the modeling jobs she had.

She felt silly for even complaining about the catalog work. She was paid a lot more for a few hours of time.

Michael found his wife on the sofa, her feet up, and worn out from standing all day. She was curled under a blanket, flipping through a magazine.

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