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I wake up back in my soft bed. As I try to get up, I realize that my arm is a little bit sore. I look down at my arm and see a bandage wrapped around it.

Where did that come from? That wasn't there before.

I get up and check on Zander and, who was sleeping peacefully in his crib, quietly open the door so that I wouldn't wake him or Mr. Malik up. I walk downstairs and start on Mr. Malik's breakfast. His usual waffles and scrambled eggs.

"Good morning, darling." An familiar voice from behind me startles me. I turn around to see Mr. Malik sitting patiently in his chair.

"Good Morning, sir." I respond, "I didn't even hear you come down here."

"I smelled food and got up quickly but I didn't want to wake up the baby so I came downstairs as quietly as I could." He says.

"Well, you've gave me quite a scare." I say, not taking my eyes off of his food as it's cooking on the stove.

Mr. Malik just chuckles a little before saying, "I'm sorry, my dear."

Why is he using such sweet words on me? Darling, dear, love. That's not what any of my bosses did to me. But he's not like my other bosses. Last night was so... bizarre. Mr. Malik was like a whole different person. He had cold, pale skin, and black, soul seeing eyes.

It felt so real, part of me wants to believe that it was a dream, but the other part feels like it was real.

I sit his breakfast in front of him and he looks at me. "Thank you." He says, and starts digging into his food. I sit down across from him and he looks up at me. "Aren't you going to eat?" He asks me and I shake my head no. "I'm not hungry right now." I tell him but he just shakes his head and says, "Nonsense." and slides his plate in front of me. "Eat." He says.

I just stare down at the food. "Well go on." Mr. Malik says. "Eat."

I pick up the fork with my good arm and take a bite out of the waffles. It was good. Nice and soft and warm and sweet. Mr. Malik watches me eat and I can see his eyes drift down at my arm.

"What happened?" He asks me. I just shrug my shoulders and say, "I don't know."

He studies my arm for a long moment and after a while I look at it too. Little drops of blood are seeping through the bandage. I look back at Mr. Malik who was looking back at me. "Well whatever happened, just be more careful." He says before getting up. I nod my head and say, "I will, sir."


The rest of the day went by smoothly. I spent my day cleaning up the house and making sure that Zander was nice and fed and taken care of while Mr. Malik spent his day cooped up in his office with the door locked.

I didn't think much of it, I mean he is a busy man after all.

I was feeding Zander his last bottle for the night. He has beautiful brown eyes. They just melt my heart. I never knew that you could just love a person this much. He wraps his tiny hand around my finger and holds on to it as I feed him. I smile and finish feeding him.

I kiss his head softly and lay him down in his crib. I walk to the dresser and blow out the candle before laying down in the bed. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

As I'm trying to sleep, I hear slight breathing in my ear, and worse part is that I can feel it down my neck. And it wasn't hot, it was cold.

I turn around quickly but nothing was there. Maybe it's just my imagination.

I turn back around and I can hear the breathing again. Before I can even move, a hand holds tightly around my throat.

"Don't move..." A voice says behind me. A voice that sounds like Mr. Malik's.

"S-Sir..." I start, "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Shh..." He says as his fingers from his free hand trails down my sore arm. He unwraps the bandage and reveals a wound that looks freshly cut open. Blood was running down from it and his cold fingers wipes up some of the dropplets. He puts his finger in his mouth without taking his hand from around my neck.

"Sir... M-Mr. Malik." I say but I get no response. But he raises my arm up to his mouth. I can feel his rough tongue make it's way around my wound.

I try to move my arm but he keeps his grip on it, holding it tighter than before. "I said don't move." He says.

Out of nowhere, I feel a sharp pain in my arm. It was sinking deeper and deeper into my skin. I scream out in pain and agony and I feel Mr. Malik sucking the blood out of me. He finishes and throws my arm down. I can't feel it.

He then forces my mouth open and he puts his arm in front of my face. Blood is dripping down his open wound as well. He tries to put his arm in my mouth but I shake my head, refusing and screaming.

"Shut it up and take it!" He says before forcing his arm into my mouth. "Drink it!" He orders, "Drink it now!"

No matter how much I refused, my cries are deaf to his ears. His salty sweet blood was filling my mouth and he takes his arm out and forces me to look at him. "Swallow it!"

I do as he says and he rougly lets go of me and gets up off of the bed. I can feel his eyes stare at me as the most terrifying words come out of his mouth.

"If you ever tell a soul about what just happened..." He starts in a low voice, "I will not hesitate to reach my hand down your throat and pull your heart out and eat it while your baby watches."

He leans back down next to my ear and grabs my hair and pulls my head back closer to his mouth. His breath sends shivers down my spine.

"Not even the devil himself will want to make me mad..." He says, "And neither should you."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~
The computer is so much more fun to write on than on the phone.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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