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3 days have passed and I still can't get that man out of my head. It's like he put me on some kind of... Spell. Is it the rose? Maybe... Or maybe it's the man... But I know little about him except for the fact that he gave me a rose.

But not just any ol' rose... No...

A white rose...

The color of fresh glistening snow...

I have never seen a white rose before. I've always wondered... What made them so white? What did they mean?

I sweep down the hallway in Mr. Drumer's house. He said he'll give me one more chance and if I break anything else, he'll put me on the streets. I feel the sleeve of my oversized shirt slightly slip off of my shoulder as I continue to sweep. As I sweep, I look out the window to see a man.

He looks familiar.

With his trimmed beard... And dark arabian eyes.

Could it be the man that gave me the rose? He has silvery black hair... Like the man who gave me the rose.

It took him awhile before he looked at the window. I gasp and duck away. I don't want to make it seem like I was just watching him... Even though I was. but I can't help it. He has that mysterious look in his eyes. i don't know if it's because he's so handsome or what but... It sure draws me to him.

"Harry!" I hear a sharp voice snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Mr. Drumer.


"Get back to work! Stop dozing off!" He says.

I nod my head, with a small "Sorry." that follows out of my mouth.

I continue to sweep but sneakily taking peeks at the man at the same time.

I feel myself bump into a shelf, knocking down another object. I freeze in my place as I hear footsteps speedily go down the hallway. "I told you not to break any more of my fucking vases!" He yells. Before I could say anything, I feel a tight grip on my upper arm, dragging me out of the house, onto the street.

As i stumble into the street, I bump into someone. "I-I'm s-sorry, sir..." I mumble out.

I look up to see who I bumped into and it's the man who gave me the rose! He is smiling like he did back then. The shining bright teeth just glistening in front of me.

"Don't trouble yourself." He says in a thick british accent.

I nod my head, and just as I was about to turn around, he grabs hold of my arm. "What's your name?" He asks me.

Staring down his facial features in awe, I reply, "H-Harry... Harry St-Styles."

He chuckles lightly and glances down at the rose that was held tightly in my hand. "I see that you still have the rose I gave you." He says.

I nod my head. "Y-Yes..." I reply. He looks at me up and down swiftly before asking me, "Do you need a job?"

I nod my head eagerly and he smiles. "Follow me." He says and that's what I do.

We walk down a smooth road until we come across a big mansion. A big black gate opens as we start to enter it. The steps are made of marble stone... It's just so beautiful. And the inside was even more beautiful.

Picture inside of a castle but just a little smaller. That's what this looks like.

"This is my home. Sorry it's a little small." He says. I blink and look at him in disbelief.

"Small? If by small you mean big then yes, it's very small." I say as I continue to look around.

He chuckles and looks around. "I just need you to clean for me and help take care of the house. I might need you to run a little errands for me too. But I promise I won't treat you so bad." He tells me.

I nod my head and say okay and his eyes travel down my body and lands quickly on my baby bump. I gulp a little as I watch him just scan it. I bite my lip nervously. What if he fires me because I'm pregnant?

"Your stomach is insanely huge..." He starts, "Why?"

"I-I'm pregnant." I answer quietly.

He continues to stare at me before smiling ever so slightly. "Abnormal but... Intriguing..." he says. "I want you to stay here while you're working for me." He tells me and I shake my head. "I-It's okay, sir, I don't want to be too much trouble."

"But you're not." He says quickly. "you're pregnant... I've seen you on the street before, you have no home. It's dangerous for you out there, love. Trust me. You should stay here." he finishes.

How can I pass up such a great offer? This man is so kind, so full of life... And insanely handsome. This is a once in a life time chance for me to have a real job AND a home. I nod my head and look at him. "Thank you." I say with joy in my heart.

"Don't thank me. I'm only doing what's right."

~*~                       ~*~                        ~*~
It took a while but here it is!

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