One shot with Lando Norris

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Okayy, guys, it's something special now. First of all, it's raining in Hungary (yes, I'm from Hungary), and then, I've felt the whole day so down that I needed to make something to cheer myself up a little. Soooo, I watched some videos, and there was this sooo cute, and I decided to write a one shot based on that video. And I thought it's just too cute not to post it. I'm not sure if it's actually good, because I have never written a one shot before, but I hope you like it! Oh, and our Lando is elder a little bit here for obvious reasons.
Also it has nothing to do with the Instagram stroy, I just hoped you won't mind if I post it here, because 1) it's about Lando and 2) I don't have other book where I could publish it.
Love you guys!


You were so excited about Christmas, as always, especially because you spent the holidays with your long time boyfriend, Lando in your shared little house in Guildford. You guys really needed those few days together, just only the two of you, before you headed to your parents, and eventhough your mother was so hyped to see you finally, she understood and even supported your little break. You wasn't sure how Lando convinced his parents about this being a good idea (her mother really wanted to see him on Christmas Day), but they eventually gave in somehow. How, that was Lando's secret.

When you woke up in the morning after Christmas Eve, Lando wasn't next to you in the bed, so you decided to just get up and look around the house for him. You were only in your pyjama, which was a little bit thin, so goosebumps appeared on your skin as you were walking down the stairs on your bare foot. You didn't hear any voice coming from the rooms or the kitchen, and you've just started to feel a little panic when suddenly the door opened and Lando stepped in the house with your beautiful all white japanese akita, Maximus. They were both covered by snow, but when the dog saw you, he shook himself and ran up to you to the bottom of the stairs.
"Here you are, good boy!" You cooed to Maximus, while you were petting his head. He wagged his tail and when he had enough, he ran to drink from his bowl. "Here you are, my other good boy!" You stood up looking at Lando with a big, wide smile. He was standing already without his coat, so you reached out for him and he easily lifted you from the wooden stairs and put you down next to him after a hug and a short morning kiss. You stayed close to him, your hands still around his neck as you were resting your forehead against his.
"Good morning, darling!" It was the first time you heard him speaking up that day, and you shivered at the sound of his quiet, rusty voice in your ear. His hand hold you close by your waist, and you got almost sleepy again standing in his embarance, eventhough he was a little bit cold against your skin due to the snow outside.

Your calm moment was disturbed by a little hungry boy running up to you and Maximus even wanted to stand between you two. You let go of Lando as you stepped back looking down the white dog sitting on your boyfriend's foot watching you with curious eyes. He was so calculating, waiting for you, because you gave him food every morning, and the evening shifts were Lando's, when he was at home. You started to laugh and moved to the kitchen where he was allowed to eat in the winter.

The whole day you two were doing kind of nothing special, just cooking a nice, but quick lunch, exchanging presents and in the afternoon watching some movies with cuddling  with each other, with Maximus lying on the floor next to the sofa. Lando was drawing little circles on your stomach and you were playing with his other hand's fingers which were resting on your side. He was so quiet the whole day, but you didn't dare to push and ask him, maybe he only wanted a calm day when he didn't have to joke around and talk a lot, or maybe he was just busy with his own thoughts. And it was okay for you too, because you loved that kind of Lando just as much as the chirpy, funny one. But when he suddenly sat up and left you the on the sofa alone, you started to worry a little.
"Lando?" Your voice was bashful and his name almost lost next to the sound of the tv. You were afraid. Maybe he regretted to spend the Christmas just with the two of you? Maybe he wanted to spend the day with your families, he just didn't dare to tell you? 
You wanted to move from the comfortable couch but when you could put your foot on the floor, you felt something soft against your face and in the next moment you couldn't see anything, everything was black. You reached up to your eyes and your hand bumped into his as he stroked your cheek. After that you touched a scarf or something like that in front of your face and you understood, he blindfolded you. God, what's happening.
"Can you sit here for a little more, princess?" You could just nod, and his steps were moving away from you again. You tried to listening to any kind of noises, but the only thing you could here was the movie, so you decided to just switch it off. There was so much silence around the house, you could hear a few cars from outside eventhough the busy road was far away from your neighbourhood. 

When he entered the house again (yes, he left you alone in the house like that for a few minutes, but you weren't sure, how much time), he walked up to you confidently. You felt his touch against your forearm, and he stroked your skin until he was holding your hand. You stood up and he guided you carefully through the livingroom and then the kitchen, when he suddenly stopped. In that minute you didn't exactly know where you stood, but you trusted him fully, so when you scretched your arms in front of you and you touched the sink, you didn't move, just stood there in the middle of the kitchen. His hand left your skin, and the air immediately felt colder, but you didn't dare to move or speak.
"Just one sec." You heard his voice a little bit further, but you didn't turn around.
"Okay." Oh my gosh. What is it. Maybe some other gifts? Oh, boy, did he buy another dog? You heard Maximus' nails tapping against the floor. You two were talking about it before, you both wanted a very cute Siberian Husky, but you didn't exactly agree on the details. What the heck is happening?  You were only hearing one dog walking around.
"Stay the way you are, don't turn around or something."
"Okay" You immediately answered, not even letting him finishing his words.
"Okay. You can remove your blindfold." Oh, gosh, how much you were waiting for these words.
You had a small, excited smile on your face as you pulled the fabric away from your eyes. Just like you felt, you were standing in front of the sink and a window in the kitchen. You frowned a little bit, when you didn't feel smarter suddenly.
"What do you see?" He asked and you still felt confused, but looked in front of you. What was he talking about?
"What do I see?" You saw the sink for sure, and obviously there was your garden behind the window. As always, a tree stood in the way, so you didn't see the big area which belonged to the house. "What do I see?" You asked yourself patiently and leaned forward to watch out of the window, after you hadn't see anything special on the sink.
A little orange bow was tied on the tree. It wasn't covered with snow, which meant it was something new there, because it wasn't snowing since that morning. 
"Oh, there's a bow on the tree." You stated the obvious. "Why is a bow on the tree?" You smiled even more, when you didn't get what Lando had meant with the fabric. He was still waiting patiently while you bent forward almost lying on the sink and looked through the glass, scanning in the tree's surface. You needed a little time to take in what you were seeing. "Babe, my lungs hurt." You almost started to cry, saying the words. You weren't expecting something like that, so instead turning around you hid your face behind your hands and read the question with the little heart again and again.
Marry me?
Marry me?
Marry me?
Marry me?
Eventually you couldn't help but crying.

"Is it real?" You asked more yourself than him, and your voice cracked due to the emotions in it. "It can't be real. It can't be real." You were still telling yourself this lie, while you looked behind your back hiding with your hair. When you saw him on his knees in the middle of the kitchen, you immediatley turned back in the way of the window, not believing you weren't dreaming. "Are you being serious?" You whispered turning to him finally still with tears in your eyes. Lando was only nodding his head, and then he reached out for your hand. You stepped closer to him, wiping your cheeks, and put your shaking hand into his bigger one.
"Will you marry me?" He asked finally with a little smile looking up on you. You didn't even waited the end of the sentence.
"Yes." His smile got wider and he immediately stood up to be on your level. "You were so weird the whole day." You felt his laughter against your chest when he pulled you into a hug and you put your arms tightly around his neck still weeping a little bit. "I'm shaking so badly." You said after he gave you a kiss and let go of you. 
"I love you." He said while he was placing the beautiful ring on your left hand. 
"I love you too." You stood on your tippytoes to give him a kiss again. "And I can't wait to show it to my mother." You looked with sparkling eyes at the ring on your finger. That moment, listening to Lando's laugh, you felt so happy and lucky with that guy.


So what do you think, was it bad, or? 

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