Hahaha... Wait what?

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Wha-Wha-What The Hell?

As one can assume, if you are a person rich enough to go to a high ranked private school, you'd be bound to have your own car, or your own car with your own driver.

So why is THE Michael Alders, or even a john's boy, taking a public form of transportation?

As he casually took the seat in front of me, extreme confusion took over my control of expressions, leaving me with wide eyes, flared nostrils and puzzled open lips.

What is he-

No, WHY Is he-

No, no, HOW is he taking this easy and casually?

I stared directly at the back of his head, my face ice frozen. He was calmly looking out of the bus like normal passengers, unlike affluent kids like him- I mean, US, who would be filled with paranoia and would constantly complain about the flaws of the public form of transportation, or "peasant's form of transportation".

The bus slowly pulled over at my stop which was situated in a neighbourhood which required a 6 figures in their bank account and a socialite status to live in.

Okay. It's my stop. Be as inconspicuous as you can Olivia.

I slowly rose above my seat and tiptoed down the narrow space in between the bus. I must have been subconsciously staring right down at the ground, because as soon I was hit by the sudden brake of the bus, I collapsed into a hard, warm, chiseled surface.

And that was when I realized I was against Michael's rock hard chest and abs.

"Woaah, careful!" He warned jokingly, a smile drew on his face.

Whilst Michael Alders was being normal, I was being mute. My eyes were as wide as the pacific ocean and my mouth was open developing a nest of insects inside.

C'mon Olivia, move!

"Err... Um.. uh.." I stuttered, helplessly lost in words and in shock as I just stared Michael Alders.

"Aldinham?" Michael says out of the blue. "You're an Aldinham Girl?" He expanded, emphasizing each word.

Being as stupid as I always am, I rushed out of the bus as soon as the doors opened.

I didn't run though.

I was like a stick girl trying her best to brisk walk despite her muscles being practically non-existent.

"HEY!" A booming voice echoed. It was a demanding force that commanded my legs to halt on its step and my whole body to freeze.

With my back turned on him, I couldn't spectate what he was doing. Is he waiting for me to turn around and walk to him, or is he walking towards me?

After a few long seconds I couldn't help but to choose. Should I turn around or wait for him to reach me? As my heart was beating faster, I had to act on my decision.

I spun my heel around, bracing myself for what was to come.

Only to find my face plastered on Michael's chest,


"Ha, the second time you crashed on me, in.." he glances at his Rolex, "2 minutes."

I gave a faint embarrassing laugh of anxiety. The ones where your corner of your lips settles with a mediocre smile, lost between going up or going down.

"Sorry," I mumbled, as I difficultly attempt to ignore the awkward silence and the mere fact that I can feel the radiating warmth of his skin whilst his right arm is still sitting around my waist in spite of me already balancedly standing up.

Being in this position didn't help me to avoid any eye contact at all. I found myself immersed into his brown piercing orbs; I observed it stare at me.

"I was uh, gonna say that my girlfriend, you might know her... uh, she goes to your school." He mumbled, drastically taking his hand away from me and bashfully tucking it away in his pockets.

"Yeah... Kristen," I muttered, unpleasance growing into my face.



"Now I feel stupid. I'm sorry... for all the fuss," he apologizes bashfully.

"Uh... It's alright?" I responded, hesitant of how my face should look like as i felt half of my lips draw into an awkward smile.

He smiles one last time and waves limitedly, "Sorry, again." He spun his heel and walked away.

That was weird... Like weird, weird.

But in a whole positive note, he didn't ask me anything anything beyond Kristen. I mean, why would he right? It's not like he would care if he saw a private school girl take a bus home to her house of a mansion.

"Wait!" I heard a voice call out as soon as I turned my back.

Spoke too soon.

"Actually, I've got a question." He ominously declares as he walks towards me.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

"Not to sound rude or anything," he says calmly.

"But what would an Aldinham girl like you, doing taking a bus to the one of the most wealthiest area of London?"

He interrogates, sending my heart rate to the sky.

"I could say the same to you as well." I replied. Smart one Liv. Much yes.

"Touché," he remarked in admiration to my wit.

"Well?" I commented, expecting a valid reason.

"Car broke down," he said coolly, nodding his head at my way - a gesture to cue my answer.

As the tables turned on me, my blood pressure increased causing a light red tint to surface in my cheeks. I could feel myself heating up. "My car broke down as well," I blurted out on a whim. Fucking A* answer there, Liv. I rolled my eyes at my stupidness.

Michael's hesitant face was what immediately came across. "Huh, right." He ambiguously remarks. He smiles at me for a second before saying goodbye, "I'm sorry for all the questions, have a good day, umm...."

"Oliv-" My lips instantly shut as soon as I realized. "Riley. I meant Riley."

He gave me one last charming smile as if he finds my clumsiness all amusing. "Have a good day.. Riley."


A REALLY SHIT CHAPTER HERE GUYS SORRY! [and to think it's just the second wow]

Not even that active either, damn. Seriously, I had a whole book of ideas far back when I was 13, and now I don't even know what to do,


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