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Usually, Bruce's mornings started with either his alarm or the sound of his baby brother screaming, but today was different. This morning, it started with the sound of police sirens. Bruce decided to check it out—after all, it's not every day that police sirens are that loud.

Bruce quickly got ready and left. It turned out that the police were in his building, and all the tension seemed to be on the 3rd floor. He didn't want to miss anything.

When Bruce finally reached the 3rd floor, he realized this wasn't just some small case—this was serious. There were more than 10 cops, a forensics team, and paramedics. Bruce tried to check it out but was stopped by an officer (since he was only 16). The cop asked Bruce what he was doing there, and Bruce replied that he wanted to see what all the commotion was about. The cop told him there had been an attack on one of the residents. Bruce asked who it was. The cop replied, "A girl named Talia."

Suddenly, time stopped for Bruce as he fell into a flashback:

The cop quickly snapped Bruce back to reality and asked what was wrong. Bruce replied that he knew the girl and asked if he could check on her.

After a little hesitation, the cop allowed him to enter.

As Bruce stepped inside, the scene was so horrific that he began to regret entering the apartment.

There were red stains all over the walls, along with small cracks that seemed to have been caused by hammers and knives, clearly indicating they weren't used for any good purpose. Bruce walked into the living room, where the furniture was destroyed or out of place. Broken vase pieces littered the floor, and a family portrait had a stab wound, specifically where the victim's image was. Bruce wondered what must have happened to Talia but heard the family talking in another room and decided it wasn't the right time to intrude.

Suddenly, one of the forensics team members called out, having found something. Bruce, curious, went to check it out.

It seemed the doctor had found a strand of hair, but it was too hard to be normal human hair. They put it away in an evidence bag.

Bruce then heard the family coming out of the room, and to avoid an awkward meeting, he quickly ran out of the apartment. Before he left, however, he made a mental note of the knife marks on the walls. They were too deep for an ordinary knife; it had to have a much larger cutting point. Since Bruce was a fan of mysteries, he decided to do a little investigating himself. But of course, he couldn't do it without his trusty and loyal sidekick (I mean partner), his best friend and classmate, Clark.


In most stories, there's a guy and a girl, but in this one, it's just two guys (not implying anything strange), just two best friends.

Bruce had just joined a new school and was open to making new friends. He was excited to meet new people. Unfortunately, not everyone shared Bruce's enthusiasm. Everyone seemed to stick to their own groups, not looking to make new friends or talk to anyone new. Bruce pretty much expected this, so he kept to himself.

It wasn't until physics class that I met Clark. He sat next to me about 20 minutes into the teacher's lecture. Clark pointed out that what the teacher was saying was wrong. I didn't see that coming. Out of nowhere, he started listing the facts the teacher had gotten wrong. Of course, I asked him why he thought that. His explanation and reasoning made a lot of sense.

Then I asked him why he didn't correct the teacher. Clark replied, "We've been correcting him for the past two years. It doesn't seem to help, so why bother?"

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