BigHit Entertainment has wanted to form a new girl group for a long time and finally, they found the talent they needed. Only one small problem tho, they need one more member and no one seems to fit that spot. Until one producer of BigHit meets Y/N...
I wake up at 05:00 and get ready for work. I do my morning routine, eat breakfast and all that sort of stuff that I usually do in the morning. I'm all done and it's 05:50 o'clock so I gotta go. Just as I step out of the door my phone beeps signaling I got a text. I look confused at my phone, cause I don't usually get texts this early in the morning, but I open my phone to check it out. It was from my boss.
Hello Y/N.
Today is our first day working with BigHit Entertainment. We were supposed to start working at 08:00, but they moved it last minute to 06:00 and added another stage. I know it's sudden andyou live 30 minutes away so I sent one from the company to get you, and I told the team and the CEO you will be a little late.
- Your boss
"What" I scream. I hurry back inside my apartment to grab what I need for work. I completely forgot I quit the other job yesterday and that we are working for BigHit now. "Shit, the team really needs me and I'm gonna be 30 minutes late, great just great" I mumble running down the hallway. After about a minute I'm standing outside waiting for whoever is going to pick me up, I don't even know who it is.
Outfit of the day:
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It's been a few minutes and I finally see one of our company cars coming my way. I hurry inside the car and we drive off, the car ride is total silence. We are only a couple of minutes away from BigHit and I'm starting to get nervous. The car stopped and the driver turned to me. "You have to go inside the building, then to the front desk and explain who you are and what you are here for. She will then give you a key card, and the rest of the information you need, good luck" he says to me. "Okay kamsahamnida" I reply and run into the building.
'Okay Y/N just get the information + the key card and get to work your behind schedule already' i say to myself. I've secretly always wanted to be an idol but didn't tell anyone cause like come on as is it's ever gonna happen. And now I'm walking in the BigHit Entertainment building not as an idol or trainee but as the second best, a person who sets up the idols stages and prepares for concerts this is so awesome.
I'm standing in front of the desk. A woman a little older than me looks up at me. "Anyounghaseyo, what can I help you with?" "Anyounghaseyo, my name is Y/N I'm part of the company hired to set up stages and prepare concerts," I say with a friendly smile. "Oh yes, I have your stuff right here." She finds my stuff. "Okay, here is your key card with name and picture, that is so you can come in anywhere in the company even the other buildings. And here is your schedule, if the schedule changes in any sort of way you get notified so don't worry about that. If you have any other questions your team has all the info" she politely says.
"I only have one question right now and that is where do I need to go," I say while laughing at the funny situation. "Oh sorry about that, you have to follow the long gray hallway and turn left. There you will find a big blue door and that is your first location of the day" she answers laughing a little herself. "Kamsahamnida," I yell and run off.