Part 2

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Dipper POV

Mabel, Bill and I had been chatting for a while.

Bill had gone to get a lunch from one of the terrible-ish lines. We were about halfway done with our lunched when a small blue haired kid ran up to bill and hugged him.

Bill grunted and almost fell off the seat he was in, but steadied himself by holding onto the table.

I looked at the boy in surprise. "Big brother!" The boy shoved his face into bill's sweater.

"Will? what's wrong?"

He pushed the smaller kid off carefully. "The teachers are mean! why do we have to go to this school?!"

He teared up a little but held it in. Bill rolled his eyes a little. "Because you know mom can't homeschool us for the rest of our lives!" he patted 'Will' on the back gently.

A few seconds later another boy walked up. He had red hair and a red shirt on with a black leather jacket and jeans.

'huh... they all look so similar... are these bill's brothers?'

"Kill what happened?"

'Kill? who the hell names their kid 'Kill?'

The red haired boy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Will didn't want to walk up and introduce himself, so the teacher got mad at him for it. Will just wouldn't do it, so he got a detention."

Bill looked at him.

"Will! c'mon buddy! you gotta be brave for us!"

Bill was being super sweet and it made me smile a little.

'His brother's a bit of a baby... I bet he's really smart though...'

"Hey! Are you guys Bill's brothers?" Mabel greeted them.

They all turned to look at her. Then me. Kill looked back at Mabel. "Yeah, why?"

The three of them stood up. "Woah... you guys look super similar... its kinda weird..." I said.

Kill smirked.

"Why, thank you for noticing~" he wrapped his arms around Bill and Will's shoulders. "We are similar aren't we~?"

Bill crossed his arms.

"Yeah right..."

Kill let go of his brothers and sat down across from Dipper and Mabel with Will.

"What do you mean Bill? You guys totally look the same... just different colors."

Bill blew his hair out of his eyes.

"Pfft, hardly... we may look similar but our personalities are completely different."

Will nodded his head.

"Yup! Kill is the asshole, Bill is the awesome big bro and I-" "Will's the crybaby" Kill cut him off.

"Hey! Am not!"

Kill smirked. "Totally~"

Will started to tear up. "N-no!"

Kill smirked even wider. "That's what you keep telling yourself~" Will sat down with a 'humph' as small tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Bill sighed and smacked his head down on the table.

It was quite amusing, seeing Bill and will with their heads slammed against the table and Kill smiling victoriously.

Nobody's Perfect...(a Billdip highschool au)Where stories live. Discover now