Naked Girls

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Kai pov

I heard a bunch of noises coming from outside luckily only my young sister was here. There were shrieks too. "Wait here kii", "Maybe a aqua came here to visit" she replied happily her hazel eyes twinkling. "Sure there is" as I walked out the door. "Who's out there" I shouted. Behind a white sheet hanging on my clothes line were two girls. "What are you doing" I asked, they just stared. "Hello" waving my hand in front of them" what are you doing" I repeated. I stormed behind the sheet I said-" my voice caught off. They. Were. Naked. I tried my best to make eye contact but they had really really big ya know. "Um...I..uh" stammering. " Can you help us" the girl with caramel hair asked. The other one smacked her on the arm then whispered something to her." With what" I asked. "First with getting dressed" she replied. I stared here in my backyard were two naked girls asking me to help them get dressed. "Are you on drugs or something" I said uneasily eying them."What are drugs" the night black haired one asked her face full of confusion. "Ok then follow me" I know I'd regret this.

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