New Legs

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To pov

"Are you ready" Luna asked. I nodded and looked at the ocean one last time. She scanned the area and placed her moon ring on a small seashell."Aqua to human we shall become one" she chanted. The moon ring started to glow with a blast of shine forming around our tails. My eyes widened as I saw my once tail become human feet as did Luna's.

When the transformation was done i tried to stand up with my new legs but they just wobbled and I fell down into the sand. Luna stifled a laugh until she fell down too."How can humans possibly walk like this" stumbling to get up again." To I'm afraid we have a problem worse" Luna said."And what would that be" looking at her. She came closer but still kept her distance.

"We're naked" I peered down at myself and gasped trying to cover myself with my hair, I swore." Now what" making sure no humans could see us. As I looked closer I saw clothes hanging on a line."We can cover ourselves with those" clinging to Luna's arm. And on our way we went.

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