lovelier words about a lovelier boy

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you. your smile. your laugh. your existence. thank you for dealing with me. thank you for being mine. you may be the best thing to happen to me since i've moved here. you make me genuinely happy. your presence makes me buzz with happiness. the way your eyes light up when you smile or tell a a joke makes me fall all over again. the warmth that encases you makes me feel safe. when i have a rough day you know exactly what to say or do to make me feel better and smile. your soft blue eyes that remind me to laugh and that you're going to be there and no-one will hurt me. you make fireworks go off in my heart and my lips drip with honey from the sickeningly sweet things i say. you make my heart swell with joy even if we are just talking about classes or how your day went. every little thing you do or say makes me happy to even know you. your existence alone makes every day pure nirvana. just you. knowing that you are there and could possibly even like someone like me is enough to fill my every moment with joy. eyes. lips. skin. smile. everything. i hope this isn't going to end with screaming and crying. you are amazing and lovely. i'm so glad you come into my small world and made yourself at home in my heart. it's you. it has been you for a while. you make me realize that the world isn't going to fall apart over all the small things. life has been shit lately but you always see the bright side of things. that has made me happier than you could possibly know. you don't mind my little flaws. like how when i really care what someone thinks about me i will use proper grammar and punctuation. i think you're lovely. it scares me how much i care about what you think and how much i care about your well being. i would give anything if it meant you would be healthy and safe and are extremely lovely. your voice rings in my ears. your smile is imprinted on my retinas. you blow my mind just by existing. i'm falling in love and i am terrified. even though the lights are blinding me i can still tell you are so damn handsome. the way you smile at the stupid things i say makes me feel like a little kid again. your arms wrapped around me feel like warm cotton candy wrapped around the stick that without it is just plain old paper. your warmth is like the sun beating down on cold snow. over the loud music your voice finds me and makes me feel special again.your eyes twinkle in the bright coloured light and i fall all over again your voice hits me like a cannon ball slamming into water. nothing is better than the fact that i know you are mine. ¨i don't know if i have said this yet, but, you look amazing tonight.¨ those words drip like honey off of my lips into your ears. my honey coated words flow through the air to you and soak into your already intoxicating skin. i smile like an idiot because i know you're still mine. you make my heart and brain buzz with happiness. your lips form words that no matter what they are make me smile. you are amazing and never fail to amaze me. it's crazy how happy you make me. wow. just,,, damn. thank you for existing. my days are filled with happiness when you're in them. the brilliant blue of your eyes is my new favourite colour. your perfect smile is my favourite sight. i wonder if you write honey soaked words about me. god, i hope you do. my thoughts are consumed by you. my heart flutters at the thought of you. my legs turn to jell-o when you smile. i think i'm in love. it's scary. my thoughts about you scare me because i swore i would never feel this way ever again. then i saw your brilliant smile and that promise didn't matter anymore. your smile and laugh are wonderful phenomena that i could write books on. they stay in my mind like exploding stars in the night sky. i'm constantly afraid that someday you're going to wake up and realize i'm not good enough. i feel secure when you're near but occasionally i wonder what is on your mind. is it someone else? 2 months ago i never even thought i could even talk to someone like you. i often am tempted to grab your had and just stare into your eyes. i wonder if your friends can see how in love with you i am. i wonder if they knew about us. here you are, lovely amazing boy. i want to shout from rooftops that i love you. i want to lie under the stars with you and just breathe in the late winter air. do you want that too? are you in love too? if so is it with me? or is it with the games you play? oh my how i love you so. your blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight and i drown in them again. your warm lovely smile. lovely boy, i think i am in love. i am finally happy because of you lovely boy. it is hard to find words that i haven't already used to describe you and how lovely you are. your arms wrapped around me give me a feeling of nostalgia mixed with happiness, a dangerous cocktail. when i am near you, my heart skips beats. i'm surprised that my heart hasn't given out from hugging you. if i could i would hug you all the time but you still make me as nervous as the day you said yes. when my eyes first glanced into yours it was like diving into freezing cold water. the familiar sights of my hometown make me think of you. you make me feel at home is what i am saying. you make me feel like i have been here for years and not months. my mind is blown by your brilliance and smile. you make me weak. you make my heart shake. my heart hurts when i see you walk away after flashing that brilliant smile at me. why out of everyone here did i fall for you? i'm glad i did though.  since the day i met you i knew you were amazing. "i would never want to put you in a situation where you would be unhappy", is what i said. what i deleted was "because i think i might love you".  i now know that you are happy. i know that i am finally enough for somebody. you are spectacular. late night thoughts devoid of sound. filled to the brim with wordless exchanges. only smiles, soundless laughs, and "i love you"s mouthed into soft necks. love is all i can feel. my brain devoid of thoughts other than you. your smile. the look of pure happiness you have when you're with me and your friends. i'm lovesick, no, love-struck. i can't believe you're real. my heart sings at the mention of you. i have run out of words. life doesn't always work out the way it does in books and movies. person meets person. they hate each other, or one has a crush and the other dismisses them. they go on fantastical adventures. realize they have been in love the entire time and everything ends up alright. all within a days work. but no. real love takes time and dedication. real love is wondering what the other thinks about, knowing the answer is "you". real love is knowing the other cares even when they dont respond. real love isnt going months without talking. real love isnt unrequited. my love was unrequited. i have to leave. it isnt healthy for me anymore. 

7 months and not much happened. was it ever really love? you acted like a child. that is why i left.

forgive me k.l. for i may have sinned.

- elle.

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