2: The masquerade ball XD

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Marrinette POV

Me and Alya we going to have to meet the king and his son as well as his butler, so my mother gave us two plan white dresses with white bows. It would be an interesting tea party.


im so lazy

I sat down with Alya with my tiara on. "Hello my name is King Gabrielle .... " my phone started ringing before he could finish (Dam this phones) "Princess Marrinette Dupain-Chang," I said nodded my head in respect "and this is Alya Cesaire my lady in waiting." I said pointing to Alya. "I'm afraid my son and his butlar's flight was late so he will not be joining us today" he said. I didn't want to know who he was it would have to wait till the ball. 

Alya POV

Omg wearing those dresses was amazing! I loved it so much! I was looking at things to do in China when I found an ad for a masquerade ball this would be perfect! I told Marrinette and we got into our dresses

Omg wearing those dresses was amazing! I loved it so much! I was looking at things to do in China when I found an ad for a masquerade ball this would be perfect! I told Marrinette and we got into our dresses

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I wore a purple dress the glittered with violet sparkles. White gloves and a purple mask.

Marrinette wore and red dress with black spots, red shoes and ladybug mask

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Marrinette wore and red dress with black spots, red shoes and ladybug mask. She looked amazing.

Nino POV

Me and my bro Adrien's plane was late so we missed the tea party thingy in China so we had some time to kill. I was looking for things to do when I saw an add for a masquerade ball, I told Adrien and we got dressed.

I wore a green shirt, brown pants and and green goggle like mask.

Adrien wore and green shirt and the rest black he put cat ears on and a black mask, this was going to be cool!

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Adrien wore and green shirt and the rest black he put cat ears on and a black mask, this was going to be cool!

Adrien POV

When we arrived Nino asked a girl in a purple glittery dress to dance, and left me by the food table. I was looking every where for someone to dance with when I saw her....... in her beautiful red and black dress she walked gracefully over to the table. "you look wonderful My lady!" giving her a flirtasous grin "may I have this dance?" I asked, she said yes and took my hand, the music started and the light fell on us.

 "you look wonderful My lady!" giving her a flirtasous grin "may I have this dance?" I asked, she said yes and took my hand, the music started and the light fell on us

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We dance and danced and danced. I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time.... love.

We swayed back and forth to the beat of the music, eyes never parting.

We walked into the garden "You know, i'm royalty," I said grinning "Oh really? Well so am I." she said. I put one hand on her waist and held her other pulling her closer, she looked up at me and smiled, I leaned pausing halfway making sure it was ok. She finshed it off, standing on her tippi toes to reach my lips. We shared a brief few seconds of a warm and tender kiss, before we sat down and talked. "Can we know who we are?" she asked, I smiled and gave her another kiss before taking of my mask, she looked shocked "A-Adrien?" she asked whilst smiling, she took off her mask and revealed herself "Marrinette," I sighed "What are you doing here?" she asked "I am the prince of England, I was suppose to meet the princess but my plane was late." she gulped "Y-your the prince of England?!" she said I sighed "Yeah." she looked at me "A-Adrien, I-i'm the princess of China!" she said "Wait, Really?" I asked excitement over whelming me "Y-Yes!" she said. I smiled the love of my life was the girl that sat behind me in class, CRAP the love of my life is the daughter of my swron enemy! She smiled "this is a good thing, it might bring our families together," she said looking into my eyes. I pulled her in and gave her a firm kiss she kiss me back, hopefully my father would see her the way I do.

No one POV

Meanwhile Sabine, the queen of China, was looking for her daughter she knew she was here and that the prince of England was also here. She saw Alya dancing with a man in green "Alya, Where Marrinette?" Alya shrugged and kept dancing. Frustrated she walked into the garden leaning against the pillars she looked over and saw Marrinette kissing...... THE PRINCE!!! When the broke for air she took her chance "Marrinette Dupain-Chang what do you think your doing?"she ask with a stern tone "Mama!" Marrinette screamed, Adrien turned his head in horror "What do you think your doing snuggling up to the enemy?" she asked "Mama! I-I I love him," she said giving mother a sheepish look, Adrien gave her a firm hugg and kiss before leaving "See ya at the ball," he whispered before leaving.

She smiled she was gonna enjoy dancing with the prince after all.

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