Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*****Flashback To Before The Second Battle*****
The Athena cabin and leaders of groups in their army gathered at the arena to discuss battle plans. They were just about to finalize their plans and tell the others when two satyrs came in running.
Annabeth: Grover what's the matter.
Grover: (bleating) Annabeth Leon just came back from searching for the lost. He made a very important discovery. Go ahead Leon.
Leon: Well, I was wandering around when I accidentally stumbled into the enemy base. They are moving and moving fast. But, something was wrong. Jason, Frank and the mortal were giving out orders. I kept listening but their sent had changed, they smell really powerful, like god powerful. Plus, they sounded held back like they were debating about something.
Grover: Thank you Leon, you are dismissed.
Leon: Okay, bye dad.
Annabeth: Thank you Grover. Can you please tell the nature to be on the lookout in the forest.
Grover: Of course, Annabeth. Tell Percy I said hi.
Reyna: What are you planning Annabeth, surely we're not just going to let them escape if they come to the next battle.
Malcolm: I agree with Reyna, Annabeth. We have to come up with a plan for them.
Annabeth: I know you're right. I think we should play with their strengths. Like Leon said they are really powerful, we can't take them head on, we have to sneak up to them.
Hazel: I can cloak myself and a few others with the mist and Annabeth can use her cap.
Naomi (Athena kid) : But it will be too suspicious that Annabeth is missing, I mean she is our lead strategist.
Malcolm: Naomi is right, we have to use other people. Hazel can you cloak 4 people. We would have three people ready to know them out and then you can concentrate on the mist.
Hazel: Yes, I can. I think it best to take Fitz-Simmons and Daisy with me. They won't draw too much attention. Fitz-Simmons is not likely to be on the field and I don't think the mortal would take notice that Daisy would be gone because she is not an Avenger.
Reyna: Alright then its set. Coulson do you think you can inform your team.
Coulson: Yeah, I think they'll agree.
Annabeth: Alright then, dismissed.

*****Flashback Over*****

The mist dropped to reveal Fitz, Simmons and Daisy holding ICERS and Hazel sweating a bit from cloaking the trio. Those who were conscious cheered at another victory. Slowly they began to pick up the injured and rush them to the infirmary. Simmons also ran back down to tend to more patients. Jason, Frank and Clint were brought into the big house to be restrained in special cells. The cells were enchanted by the Hecate cabin to strip the captive of there power(s). In the proceeding hours, the seven (minus Jason and Frank) went in and out making sure that their friends were alright. The Avengers also came in often to check on Barton. Finally, the three started to wake.
Chiron went to inform the 6 and the Avengers who he had sent out to eat and sleep. As soon as they entered they took in details they had not noticed before. The three boys were sweating profusely, had pained expressions and their eyes were purple.

Zeuson: (smiling) What, do you not like what you see Pipes. I'm Jason but better, i'm Zeuson.
Piper: You may look like Jason but you can never be him, he would never consider himself better because of his power.
Areson: Awww, trouble in paradise, brother.
Apolloson: Oh stop teasing him, it can't be easy telling your lover that you a better than before.
Zeuson: Oh how wise you are, oh old one.
Fury: Enough, of your childish banter! What is your purpose?
Apolloson: Always straight to the point aren't you Fury. Well if you must know, our purpose is to serve Mother.
Annabeth: And who is this Mother you speak of? Surely if she is as powerful as you say giving us her name is harmless.
Areson: As curious as ever Athena spawn. But you are not correct there. Names hold power and let's just say we don't want her to come just yet.
Percy: (scoffs) Why do you think that we can't defeat her? Cause we defeated Gaea, the earth herself, who is she compared to mother earth.
Zeuson: Think your so smart aren't you Kelp Head, but your not. Mother is someone who should be feared. She may have come after Gaea but she is every bit as powerful or even more.
Hazel: Just stop it already! You have been captured. You can either tell us all your plans or give us our friends back.
Areson: oh, pretty, pretty Hazel. You think those are our only choices but you are wrong. We will not betray Mother and we won't change unless under Mother's command.
Chiron: Come on children, I think that is enough for today. It is obvious they won't divulge the information.

They all cleared out and were all about to discuss who mother was when the horn sounded again. Another battle is about to start. Annabeth, May and Reyna went to check that the boys were still in the cells only to find them muttering a strange language. The only think they could understand was RHEA.

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