A Possible Start

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In the morning I ate whatever leftovers I have in the fridge,most of it being cold spaghetti but hey,some cheese and a microwave ?its pretty much the same as when I got it

I sighed and pulled my greasy hair back into a ponytail,a loose one.my jacket and jeans on as I have a bag for lunch,my change of work clothes and extra stuff that everyone needs or ends up bringing with them
I sigh as I stare at the road and onto the lanes,getting a small plain black coffee from a close café or whatever it was
I don't care.
I parked my car in the employee lot and bring my bag out,staring up at the hospital
I don't like calling it an asylum ,it just sounds like one of those 'asylum' stereotypes in crappy movies
I walk up to the front to check in,seeing different people and workers going back and forth in the halls to get to where their going
Some of the patients look sad or like this place isn't treating them right
I can easily see that.
But soon I went into the bathroom and changed,making sure that I don't have anything that can hurt me
Clipping on my tag and clipboard of the patient I have to take care of

Name:John Jackie Laurens
Photo to left
Background:possibly murdered Mother in their home on October 28 while father was away at work,the teen was found shaking and trying to escape anyone from touching him
Diagnosis:Possible Schizophrenia ,Depression and high amount of delusions,over-sensitive or aggressive.High paranoia of about anything that can be harmful to himself
Extra:allergic to peanuts,diet changes
Blah blah blah

Jeez,this kid has a lot to go through,That's what I thought to myself
The photo seems old,like taken from a family album and then glued onto the paper as if not to be bothered with taking a recent one of him
But he seemed bright and sweet in the photo,a little young but like I said it's old
Soon I hold the clipboard to my chest and take my key,taking a breath in and sighing it out
I turned the key,opening up the door

As I was stepped into the room,I glanced around,not seeing much but sadness
Then,this kid,jeez..
His hair was messy,his texture seemed dirty and almost a dark brown
His eyes soon looked up to meet mine
They were a beautiful green emerald I have to admit,his face not in fear,but in a way of wonder like anyone else
I felt like I needed to protect him

Soon I closed the door behind me gently and take my eyes off him finally
I talk quietly at first,not only as to not frighten him but since my throat hurt
"Hello.."I say softly
The boy fixes himself onto the ,as if ready to listen with a Curious look of a child of the age under 10
He didn't respond but that's fine,I can tell he would be silent
I quietly take a seat on a side chair gently as if i made a single sound the room would break like glass
He seems to move his eyes to my name tag
It read
He looked back up at me
I carefully clear my throat,what do I need to do again?oh yeah
I have to do a small check to see if he's feeling anything 'bad'is the word others used
Then help him in a bath and dressed,then help him eat while ask how he's really feeling or any concerns
"How are you this morning..?"I asked first,sitting comfortably as I could
He seems to gulp,as if pressured to talk
I try a soft smile to him ,keeping him relaxed"it's okay,take our time"
He looks up at me with wonder of how patient I am
Which I'm really not,I'm just tired
He soon speaks in a very light whisper
"G-Good.."he seems to feel bad about stuttering
I smile again"anything good happen today?"I ask
He curls his legs up to his chest a bit,as if I was gonna hit him.."I-it's the morning..nothings happened.."he glanced away for a moment
"Oh yes,my mistake,can you tell me how well you slept?"I asked gently
He looks back to me,thinking
"Use the scale of one through ten f you need,one for very bad or ten for I slept like an Angel"I say,trying to lighten the mood
It didn't.
He thinks again,showing me three of his fingers instead of talking
I did write that down,quick since I'm like that
"What's your name?"I ask him,I already knew but I wanted to hear him again
Such a nice voice.

What's wrong with me?

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