The shadow rises

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I sit bolt up in the bed sweating as I shout

Blake wakes up confused, she places a hand on my chest and sits up next to me, panicking that her worst fear had come true
Blake: "Y/n? Are you ok?"

Y/n: "yeah... yeah I just uh... I had a dream about the spire, and I dreamt of when we met."

Blake: "come on, lie down baby." She pushes me back down and rests her head on my chest "did I hear you call out for Adam?"

Y/n: "yeah. He shot me again."

Blake: "oh... that night as well huh?"

Y/n: "yep. What fun that was."

Blake: "I guess I don't need to say it but... I'm sorry about all that happened between us before."

I place my hand around her waist and hold her close
Y/n: "that's ok, I forgive you kitty. Now what do you say?"

Blake: "thank you daddy~"

Y/n: "y'know I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you call me that."

Blake: "well it's not gonna stop so good. Come on, get some rest."

After what seemed like an eternity of looking down at Blake peacefully sleeping in my arms, I feel my eyes growing steadily heavier. Eventually I fall asleep too.


I hear the door open slowly, the hinges creeping open immediately wakes me up. I whistle sharply and my arrow in the trunk stabs through the chest, then the bed and emerges between my legs and flies forward hovering at the throat of the intruder. I sit up quickly to see it's my aunt... and she's more pissed of at who's with me rather than the weapon at her windpipe.

Y/n: "uh... h-hi aunt Glynda. Nice day isn't it?"
I shake Blake to wake her up. She slowly regains consciousness and looks to me then smiles

Blake: "morning daddy~"

My eyes go wide as Glynda bats my arrow away from her with her hand ands walks over to the bed
Glynda: "daddy?"

Blake covers herself up with the duvet and sits up in the bed
Blake: "professor Goodwitch?!"

Glynda: "Miss Belladonna, what exactly are you doing in bed with my nephew?!"

Y/n: "and here I thought you were the smart one aunt Glynda. Me and Blake have a history, we were just catching up..."

Glynda: "right. And catching up means you both must be naked?"

I whistle and my arrow flies back to my hand
Y/n: "look can we discuss this another time? Something urgent has come up that I think I should talk to you about."

Glynda: *sigh* "fine. I suppose relationships between students isn't prohibited. Just next time lock the door."

Blake: "w-we will Ms Goodwitch."

Glynda: "might I suggest you get dressed Blake? Your initiation begins in 3 hours. Top of the cliffs."

Blake kisses my forehead and stands up with the duvet around her
Blake: "right, well I'd better get changed in the bathroom. Y/n? You're not gonna tell her about the-"

Y/n: "-I have to Blake. I've never told anyone before, and now I'm getting flashes of it again after all this time? That dream started in reverse. I never had the dream of walking towards the spire before I actually went there. It's always only the fight towards the spire then the gates open and I wake up. Never about that night I met you."

Glynda: "what is this... spire you keep mentioning?"

Y/n: "it's where I got my semblance. It's where the shadow was formed, and it's where my memories go from happy family with my parents 3 years ago, to endless torture 2 years ago. I don't know how I got there and it drives me mad!"

Glynda: "oh.. and is this where your journey started as a criminal?"

Y/n: "yeah... that's when the shadow rose from the broken body of Y/n."

Blake kisses my cheek
Blake: "you're still here Y/n. The shadow isn't coming back anytime soon."

Y/n: "I hope so... right come on babe, you'd better get dressed."

Glynda: "as should you. If you wish to talk more about this 'spire' perhaps we should bring professor Ozpin into the fray. I'm sure he would know far more than I could help with."

Y/n: "no aunt Glynda... ok, look there's a reason I was under Junior's employ. True it was a decent wage with good drinks too, but he knows a lot of people, most of them aren't exactly saints. One of those people is Roman Torchwick. He knows something about the spire, I don't know what and I don't know how, but I found evidence which links him to it."

Glynda: "which is?"

I throw her the keycard I found in Torchwick's wallet
Y/n: "I swiped that out of his wallet when he wasn't looking. It's the same keycards the monks used to come and go from the sealed doors of my cell, and the operating rooms in the spire. The only reason I'm letting you in on this is because I need to know that if something goes wrong, that I've got someone else to fallback on who I can trust. Aunt Glynda... I need my family on this."

Aunt Glynda smiles as she walks over and hands me the keycard, then kisses my forehead
Glynda: "you're about to kick some ass aren't you?"

Y/n: "not me... the shadow."

*timeskip, dockside warehouse*

I sigh as I brush off the dust from my old helmet. I desperately hoped I'd never have to wear this ever again but... well needs must I suppose.

I focus for a moment and I begin hovering towards the roof. Those words still drilling through my brain, you'd have though I'd have gotten used to them by now but apparently not. I look down through the broken warehouse roof window. Wait I know those masks, I should know, I used to run with them! That's the whitefang! The hell are the white fang doing with Roman?

Torchwick: "alright morons listen up! There's a shipment of Schnee dust crystals coming into the docks soon and my employer does so love those pretty little volatile gems! So, we're going to do a good ol' snatch and grab! Any questions?"

I smirk as I allow my eyes to glow through the helmet illuminating the front. I grab my scroll and hack into the scrolls of everyone else down there, pumping music through
*play song*

Torchwick: "what the-? What's happening?"

*no one's POV*

Y/n jumps down and the voice synthesiser kicks in making his voice dark and gravely

The shadow: "what fun. Hahahaha what fun!"

Roman: "so it's true, the spires shadow lives. The voice changer isn't really needed though, I already know who you are Y/n."

The shadow: "Y/n isn't here right now. I am formerly the spire's. Now just the shadow."

Roman: "So what are you doing here exactly?"

The shadow: "can't you tell Roman? The shadows of the spire has found you! Now it's time I find out what you've been hiding about the spire."

Torchwick: "you think I'm scared of a failed project of the monks?! What do you think you can do?"

The shadow: "time to find out"
Y/n gives a long whistles, then another and another. Not a single white fang grunt had a chance to event pull the trigger as the arrow pierced straight through their main arteries then out the other side, into the next.

Torchwick: "interesting... well, good job I've got some old friends of yours here too. You remember the monks right?"

Somersaulting from behind him comes a brown robbed figure wielding an electrified bo staff. I use Xena in her dagger form to deflect the blow as two others stand beside Roman.

Y/n: "good, one less thing I need to track down. But I wont face you as the shadow."

I remove my helmet and throw it to the floor

Y/n: "I face you as Y/n. The boy you tortured... and now the man who will eradicate you all!"

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