Chapter 3

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Violet gets closer to Clem.
Louis looked upset and thoughtful.
《Aj already desribes her to us. Really well. He know her name too, because she tells him to refer us that...》
Violet pauses a bit, then keeps talking.
《Listen Clem. Me, Louis and maybe Aasim are going outside to check around. You and the others are staying here to keep watch.》
Clem shakes her head, trying to figure out what's happening.
Violet takes her time again, then speaks. 《He saw...Minnie.》
Clem stares at her without words.
《Are you sure?!》
Vi takes faster her weapon out.
《Yes, many things she says to Aj confirmed that. We need to hurry up. She's probably not too far.》
Violet, Louis and Aasim are getting ready to get out of the school. But first, Louis reached Clem, and gets closer to her.
《I'll be back soon. Just in case you'll miss me.》 Louis smirks and then he stares seriously and deeply in her eyes. She looked back and smiles.
《I know, i go. The others are waiting for you.》.
Suddendly, Lou gets a sad face.
《What's wrong, Clementine?》
《Nothing... really, nothing. careful out there, okay?》
Lou is smiling like a fool, looking at her with love.
《You're worried about me. Is that a dream?!》
He giggles a bit, then gets serious.
《I'll be alright. We'll save Minnie, hopefully. And then i'll be only yours. That's a promise, not a threat.》
Clem laughs softly and in that moment Louis's face says it all.
Then he turns his back and reached Vi and Aasim.
Damian gets close to Clem, trying to understand the situation, looking at the worried face of her.
《Hey, you okay...?》 He puts a hand on her shoulder, a bit alarmed.
《Yeah... i'm fine. Just ...》
She says and she explaining to him something about the situation.
《Are you sure you don't want to go with them?》
Damian asks to her.
《I need to watch you guys, for any eventuality. I can't leave all of you alone.》
He looks at her with admiration.
《You are the strongest girl i've ever met!》
Clementine shakes her head and laughs with her angel voice. That probably causes more interest in Damian.
Clem looks away very fast and her eyes pointed outside the school.

Clem walks inside the school.
《Aj, please. Don't tell anyone, for now, what's happenning. Please, let's try to distract Tenn.》
Aj smiles to her.
《Don't worry Clem. You can trust me.》
He adorable says, then he runs to Tenn to play with him.
The others guys are busy, too. So for now no one noticed a thing.
Damian is feeling worried about Clem, so he follows her inside the school.
Meanwhile, Violet, Louis and Aasim are searching Minnie in the forest.
The night is coming, the wind's blowing really hard and it's getting more cold.
Violet is visibly worried and she's feeling conflicting emotions inside her.
Louis and Aasim are checking around, focusing really hard to find Minnie.
The forest in the dark is not helping them at all. 《I can't believe i could see her again... i was giving up all my hope. I thought that for a long time.》
Violet admits.
《I know, Violet. We are feeling the same way as you.》
Aasim says and Louis agrees.
Suddendly, they saw a human figure in the distance.
They try to hide behind some trees.
Looking a little closer, seems like there is another person, on the ground.
They hear them talking too, but they can't understand a thing. They are too far away from them.
Then a scream.
Violet makes a gesture to the others to start getting closer to those two people, always trying to use the trees to hide.
They reach them, very close.
And everything is clear now.
Violet clenching her fists with anger.
Louis is a little tense, looking at Violet and Aasim, ready with the weapons out.
Aasim nods his head and all of them get out of the hiding and surprised the man, coming behind him and attacking him.
The man is Abel.
Louis hits him with the chair leg on his back and Aasim steps on him and blocking him on the ground.
Minnie is the other person, laying on the ground, with blood on her face and with an injuried thigh.
Violet gets close to her, she quickly rips off her shirt to tie her thigh with it, to stop the bleeding.
Minnie is shocked and she looks at them in disbelief.
She starts crying, looking at Violet.
《You are safe, Minnie... it's all right...breath and calm down. Oh my...》

Vi stares at her so deeply.
Minnie gets close and she sorrounded her with the arms and holds her.
《I missed you so much...》
Minnie says, sobbing.
Vi lets some tears out of her eyes, too.
She keeps her in the arms, hugs her so tightly.

Louis and Aasim are trying their best to make Abel talk.
He's laying on the ground in pain.
《Okay, okay... you little bastards.》
Abel says, smirking and challenging them.
《You think you are strong. But you are just stupid kids. That evil woman will take you. All of you.》
Louis is feeling the anger growing faster inside him.
《Stop it! Who the hell is this woman that are you talking about?》
Louis asks to him, arching his eyebrows.
《Oh, her name is Alyssa. She's making a whole army of kids that works for her to steal food and to protect her from others villains. She will punish this girl for her escape, for sure.》
Abel is talking about Minnie.
《No one is going to take her away again from us! Nobody is going to hurt her...anymore!》
Violet screams to him with all of her energy.
Then she looks at Minnie with apprehension.
《Guys, Minnie needs some medications. Now!》
Then she says.
Louis and Aasim agrees, leaving Abel injuried on the ground.
《You'll meet Alyssa...really soon.》
Abel whispers.
Violet pulls Minnie up on her back and they run fast back to the school.

Clementine and Damian are patiently waiting.
Clem is sitting on a chair, looking nervous outside, fighting with herself to don't run outside and start searching them.
《They will be alright... they will be...alright.》
She keeps reapiting it, whispers softly, but Damian is standing up near to her and he hears what she says.
《You are too in tension. Please, relax.》
He takes another chair and sits in front of her, taking her hands.
《You are so cold.》
He noticed, starting rubbing his warm palms on her hands.
《I'm okay, let me go.》
She retracts her hands from him, very quickly.
《I-i'm so sorry but... i will be good just when they are back. Before that, nothing can calm me down.》
Damian looks a bit upset, but let her go and looks down.

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