I have survived the first 2 days of school now I just have to survive the rest yay ._______.
I haven't interacted with any of the 8th graders this year yet; I did talk to a 6th grader named Madison. It was funny when I told her my name. (I'm in 7th grade if you didn't know that) they also changed the bus stops, no they made bus stops. Thank god the closest stop is across the street from my house I hopefully get a locker soon.
Well I didn't a locker yet, and my 7th period got smaller. A lot of people got schedule changes. I almost ran into a boy in my class when he was looking at his schedule. He was lost and looking for the room.
私を愛 ignore that .-. (I just realized that .-. Is a upside down face) I'm so bored.
TGIF I didn't die and on the bus today me and a 6th grader named Madison had a huge ranting/sudden out berst session till we got to my stop. I realized today I was bullied in 3rd grade. The girl would throw sand in my hair. I have cat whiskers irl right now.
Well that was my week thank for reading. 私のパンダさようなら