Just a little rant thing

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I've been thinking what would of happened if my family never ,well I'll put it as this, shattered

I would probably still be living where I lived when I was 7

I would never have known my friends from we're I lived when'd I was 7-11

I would of never went to Disney for my 9th bday and never have gotten my iPod and wonders what the YouTube app was and never find katrinonus and like gameplay content and never like minecraftfinest or skydoseminecraft or deadlox or asfjeromes or bajancanadian. I would of never been hooked on YouTube and my mom would of never got me my iPad (but it broke a few months ago but it was on warinty) I would of never known about GROWTOPIA I would of never met people like: KillerDawn77(she's my closest friend irl)oliviadog, spyninja241, MerpPandas1, Laur1Lam, ginger/rainbowcandy(I forgot her 2nd account sorry) Elktra, silalolleo, allie1234, Cinthiarios, firepants, epiclolman, Marley2014, and so many others

I'd be friends with an old friend still

This is just some thing I wanted to share now to the anime

TACOS!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!(that question mark is ment to be there)

RAWR! I'm a llama!!!!

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