Chapter 3

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The day that will change my life forever

Your POV

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed 'Wake up wake up' Y/F/N screamed. 'Im up' i replied. We both got up, shower and get ready for the day *(below outfit)*.

 We  both got up, shower and get ready for the day *(below outfit)*

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After i finish curling my hair. We got into our uber and went out to get breakfast.

Sitting in the cafe all Y/F/N could talk about was how that David guy was talking to us yesterday. 'Dont be upset if he doesnt remember you' i told her as i could see her getting her hopes up. 'Dont be such a party pooper' Y/F/N replied. We both ate our food, tipped correctly thanks to David then waited for an uber to take us to the event.

About an hour or so later vidcon was in its full form. People everywhere teenage girls screaming, it was pretty full on but i love Y/F/N so being dragged around for her wasnt to bad and hay after all i was in America. After waiting in several lines for different creators for what felt like hours. We headed over to what was called the 'Vlog Squad' tent. Not being big into YouTubers i sighed and just assumed it was going to be another hour long wait for Y/F/N to get a photo. Little did i know this tent was about to change my life forever.


'Pleasseee Y/N, you have to' i begged 'Do i tho ill wait in line with you but i dont care to take a picture with the 'vlog squad' she argued back ' But this is David and his friends, that guy who helped us yesterday, it would be rude not to and he asked to see us' I sooked back 'There are thousands of people here he wont even recognise us' 'Please... for me?' I begged one more time 'Whatever but you owe me *Your favorite food* if he doesnt know who we are..' Y/N said 'Deal' i said before grabbing her arm and running over.

After finally convincing Y/N to come up with me to take a photo we just talked in line for a while making friends with fellow fans. We were up next i was so nervous.

Your POV

I dont get why Y/F/N was so nervous they are just a bunch of people like us who make videos on youtube i dont get the big deal. We were up next i giggle to myself seeing how anxious Y/F/N was getting. 'Next' the staff calls. We start to walk up and before we could even get to them that guy from yesterday David was his name, i dont remember runs up to us 'the Australian ladies' he yells before pulling us into a hug. Y/F/N looks at you and smiles while whispering 'Now you owe me *(Your friends favorite food)*

'Yes its us' Y/F/N lets out smiling, 'Heyy' i said groaning knowing i had just lost the bet and i now have to buy Y/F/N lunch

David walks us over to the rest of the squad, i stand there not caring or paying attention just wishing for this photo to be over so i can leave but this time it wasnt like the rest of the other tents Y/F/N went to for photos. We talked and talked and talked until the staff told us to hurry it along. We got the picture and as we were walking away David whispers to us, 'we are done at 4 meet at that door' he says pointing at an emergancy exit 'we will make sure the staff know youre with us'. Thats when i heard it the most amazing voice 'Cant let you girls travel this far for a couple photos, now can we' I shot my head up and l locked eyes with the most handsome man ive ever seen. I finally knew what Y/F/N was feeling. My heart was racing. Walking away i turned to Y/F/N. 'WHO WAS THAT!' you ask without breathing. 'Which one? Theirs David, Scotty, Li..' 'The one who told us we traveled to far for just some photos' i replied cutting her off. 'Oh thats Zane Zane Hijazi, why?' 'He is beyond perfect, i think im finally into this youtube lifestyle' i said blushing.

'Awww Y/N is inlove. MY BEST FRIEND IS INLOVE' She screams so people can hear 'Shut up' i say playfully slapping her arm

Loving from a distance. (Zane Hijazi)Where stories live. Discover now