Chapter 27

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*Three Years Earlier*

*Brock's POV*

"That's it," I yell out, pulling a guy's hands off of me as I get off of him. "I'm fucking done!"

"What? Come on, you were just getting started!"

"Yeah, and I've told you ten times already to stop grabbing me! You grabbed my ass as I was walking by, grabbed my arms to pull me onto you, grabbed my ass again and again and again! This is the final fucking straw! If I told you not to grab my arms and ass, what the fuck told you that it would be okay to grab my dick!"

"Seriously? You take off your clothes for a living and you have the nerve to think you're too good to get fondled a little?"

"Fuck off," I yell, flipping the pervert off before I turn away to walk over to the bar. However, before I can even take three steps, he grabs my arm again and pulls me back to him.

"Hell no! I want my fucking lap dance, you fucking whore!"

"Get your hands off of me!"

I try to rip my arm out of the creep's grip, however, he pulls me close again, and this time, he pulls his arm back and punches me so hard in the ear that it starts ringing. I keep myself from falling to the ground, however, I cover my ear with my free hand in hopes of saving it from going out completely. I look over to the asshole, and smirk as I see a certain big, strong black man pop up behind him.

Before the creep can even notice my smirk, Marcel wraps his arm around his neck and pulls him back, causing him to let go of my arm and start stretching at his arms, as Marcel starts choking him out. "That's it, you're out of here, jackass," Marcel yells at the guy. "It's one thing to grope the dancers, but hitting them is a big no-no! You'll be lucky if Panda doesn't call the cops on you!"

He then drops the asshole, bringing him to his knees at my feet as he gasps for air, which honestly, makes me smile. That smile gets even bigger when Marcel grabs this guy by his collar and drags him out of the club.

I stand there and watch as the asshole kicks and screams before he is thrown out the door. Marcel then slams the door in his face and David holds them closed before Marcel walks back over to me. "You okay?"

"Better after seeing that," I tell him, laughing. I then look into his eyes, and feel my heart start beating a little harder. "Thanks for doing that. I hope Panda doesn't chew you out for it."

"He won't," he tells me with a smirk on his face. "I asked him how many days you worked this week, and according to him, the answer is every day. Meaning, if he injured your ear with that punch, and you have to take off just as the summer kicks off and we lose our younger dancers, then he will be losing money. We can't afford to lose an customers you always manage to bring in."

I try not to let my cheeks turn red as I look away from Marcel. "You flatter me," I chuckle before I pull my hand away from my ear, since it had finally stopped ringing.

"You sure you're okay," he asks, worry laced in those four simple words.

"I'll be fine. I just need a drink. You think this new guy knows how to make a White Russian?"

"Only one way to find out," he shrugs before patting my shoulder. I roll my eyes and walk away, making my hips sway a little more than usual, silently hoping he's watching me.

Once I get to the bar, I lean against the corner and say, "Hey Smitty. You know how to make a White Russian, right? "

The baby-faced, bouncy black haired boy jumps up from behind the bar and smiles at me. "Of course. That's one of the easier mixed drinks to make."

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