The fall

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Black that's I'll I see a swirling ominous black void is all that is around me right now. I tried to move but I couldn't budge there was this strange pressure on my chest preventing me from moving...............


My eyes are closed.......

God dam it I'm an idiot.

I opened my eyes to investigate my situation more. I slowly looked down at my chest to see a brown, blue, and purple blob, I squinted at the blob trying to identify what it was. Is this a kid? We're did they come from? Ok ok before I get off track anymore I should probably see where we are.

I slowly moved the kid off of me and looked around the room(?) we were in. It was a almost pitch black room the only light coming from what seemed to be a hole on the sealing. Wait a second...NOW I REMEMBER HOW I GOT HERE!!

~~flashback time >:3~~~~~

I was walking through the forest behind my house after a stressful day of school, I liked to go back here when I was stressed it was peaceful and no one but me and my family came back here. I listen to the birds chirp ,the leafs ruffle in the wind. This, this was my element no one to bug me with stupid questions or pointed looks that could only be for me. The one down side to a place like this is that it is easy ruined wether that be people or the nature it's self, but today neither of those things are what ruined my peace no it was something......else.

A scream
A child screaming.

I quickly look towards where the sound had come from. Another one came this one seeming more hurt. I ran towards it as fast as I could a million questions ran through my head. Like what happened that made this kid screaming? Knowing none of my questions would help the child I put them aside and pushed my self to run faster.

When I finally reached the source of the screaming I saw a small kid probably no older then 10 being cornered by a mountain lion that had its two cubs behind it one of them had what looked like a splint made out of leafs and sticks? Had the kid made that for he lion cub? Didn't they know the dangers of messing with a baby mountain lions?? I mean who doesn't!!

I looked back at the kid who was trying to calm down the lion when it had lunged at them. Before I could even think about what my body was doing I tackled the kid backwards. Little did I know the huge hole that I had just pushed us back into. This wasn't any hole thought this is the hole at the top of Mt. Ebott or better know as in my family the passage way to the other world. The underground the one place someone like me should never be.

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