Chapter 2

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I decided on wearing a short dress that has flower prints on it, I braided my hair and at 7 exactly Ally was outside waiting for me just as she promised.

"You look so pretty." Ally said as soon as I got in.

"You look pretty too." I told her.

"I heard Zach will be there." she said, and I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Ok?" I asked what does it have to do with me.

"Are you serious Audrey he is thee Zach everyone's talks about he's just so hot and those muscles he has oh god he's just indescribable." she added.

I've actually never seen this Zach guy everyone's crushing on.

"Interesting." I nodded.

"Audrey!!!" Ally said as she pushed my shoulders playfully.

"What?" I giggled.

"I'm describing a Greek god to you and all you have to say is interesting?" She looked shocked.

"I've never seen him." I shrugged.

We reached the party Ally parked her car, and we got in together the party was filled with hormonal teenagers humping and kissing each other I crunched my nose in disgust as I continued following Ally in.

We got to the pool side outdoors somehow I don't even remember how we got here.

"That's him." she smiled shyly as she pointed at an extremely tall guy that has little bit of muscles and a bleached hair.

"I don't see what the fuss is all about." I told as looked at the normal looking guy my friend is obsessing over.

"You're kidding?" She asked in disbelieve.

I shook my head.

She handed me a drink.

"Look Emily and Dylan are there lets go say hello." I wasn't planning on going but she literally dragged me along, when I looked at where she was pointing Dylan was sitting next to a girl and it looks like they're flirting totally ignoring the girl that's sitting in his other side.

"Dylan Emily hi." Ally said as I stood next her,

Emily looked embarrassed being totally ignored by Dylan which was completely funny I should add.

I just looked at Emily trying my best not to laugh.

"Ally, Audrey hey." Emily said acting excited.

I ignored her looking back at Dylan who's totally ignoring her existence and Ally gave her a smile.

"Ally." Dylan stood up and he hugged her.

"Audrey" he said looking at me with an annoying smirk in his undeniably hot face, whatever I never said that. oh god I think I'm already drunk. Dylan hot?

"Dylan." I said sarcastically in a similar tone as I rolled my eyes.

"God you two be nice to each other for a change" Ally commented.

"We are being nice." I objected.

"Whatever." She dragged me to wherever destination she had in mind now.

I looked back at Dylan one more time I rolled my eyes when I noticed the same grin is still plastered over his face, he quickly sat down and got back to flirting with the red headed girl next to him totally ignoring Emily's existence.

Ally kept walking me around random people and introducing me to them some of them were actually nice.

At 11:30 we headed back home it was still early but I was tired.

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