Not at Home

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It was a stormy day in Middle Earth, Thorin and company stopped to rest for the night. Gandalf only watched Kili and Fili fight over some unknown stupid subject. The two younglings were sure loud despit all of the other dwarves laughing and talking. Gandalf growled as he yelled at the two dwarves to be quite, suddenly Bofur tapped the wizard's shoulder," Gandalf, Bifur and I've found a cave! We can move to there!" The corners of Gandalf's mouth formed into a smile," Yes I do beileve we shall take refuge there" As the company moved to the cave, Bilbo had found something a bit off about the old cave. "Gandalf...this cave feels....too safe....I don't know about this..." The halfing said softly and bit his lip, Gandalf gave a nod at Bilbo's remark. The aged wizard shook his head," yes... " Thorin, being the grumpy Dwärf he was growled I do not care if you feel uneasy... We are to rest. That is final." Ori looked on in fear of the cave, it seemed like it went on and on, having no ending. The young Dwärf was correct in his thinking. Thorin stumbled through the darkness and called out," Aye! All of you let-" he stopped as he tumbled down a long shaft. The mountain king's screams rang out as he tumbled down, Bilbo worried to death about Thorin went after him. So did that rest of the company. It felt like a life time before all of the company reached the bottom. Coughing loudly, Fili looked around," looks like the Shire! Y...yet what is that?" He stated. Although the young dwarf was indeed right, it did look like the Shire, but the company was not no where near Middle Earth anymore. Kili gasped laying his eyes upon many horseless metal black carriages. The company knew for a fact that they're not home any longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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