The Rider on a Dream-Cloud

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Neigh-hey, neigh-ho!

On I go,

Galloping ride

My steed, astride.

With winds, I soar,

The mirth of yore;

Lands far to see

And places to be.

To men that pass

These trees, this grass,

A tale each tell

And retell, retell.

Not rain, nor hail

Cast gloom or pale

The hues of bright

And vibrant light.

Neigh-hey, neigh-ho!

See the rainbow

O'er the meadows,

Down it goes.

Hark, my mare!

Thou sweet and fair,

Chase that arc

Thro' mist and dark.

Neigh-hey, neigh-ho!

Away I go;

The rider alone,

And so I sojourn.


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