s e v e n t y - e i g h t [W]

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unknown number
I'll get you soon babe

unknown number
not long now

unknown number
today's the day

The messages Yoongi had been receiving for the past couple of days were annoying him a lot. He could already guess it was Kyung.

Jungkook and Kyung had their 'sing' off today. If Yoongi was honest, he didn't think it was going to be just singing. He knew how much his boyfriend hated his ex.

So, here he was, sitting in his studio at 7am with only 2 hours of sleep. He had been working on Jungkook's song the entire week that he had forgotten about his other projects.

One was due tomorrow and the other in three days.

Yoongi hasn't really changed since yesterday so he was wearing a pair of baggy shorts and one of Jungkook's hoodies. On his feet were mismatched socks and the present Jungkook had gotten him for his birthday, a beautiful necklace, was wrapped around his neck.

Brr. Brr. Brr.

Yoongi's phone vibrated on his desk and he looked at the screen.

Idiot Taehyung.

He sighed but saved his work, grabbing his phone and pressing answer.


"Yoongi! Are you excited? I know I am!"

"Yah, don't shout this early in the morning."

"Sorry hyung, I'm just nervous but excited. Jungkook is so good at singing so I know he'll win."

"Yeah, thanks for the support. Now I'm tired so leave me be."

"Okay, sweet dreams YoonYoon!"

"Shut up, brat." Yoongi grumbled as he pressed the end button. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair and looked around the studio.

It was relatively normal. There was soundproof foam which coated every wall so that no extra sound was in the background of audios. A couple of empty bottles and wrappers sat on his end desk but overall it was quite clean. It was mostly black except for the figure that Jimin had bought him which was bright pink. It was the only bright thing but still, Yoongi couldn't get rid of it. He had three monitors, each screen showing different things but all of importance. A pair of headphones were sat on the lit up keyboard and a microphone was stationed near the right corner of the room. Overall, Yoongi liked his studio and wouldn't change it for the world.

Hey kitten, you're not in bed with me so I guess you're at your studio. Please don't take too long and come back, I miss you ;(
Received at 7:15am

Oh and I love you so much babyyy❤️
Received at 7:16am

Yoongi couldn't help but let a small smile etch onto his face.

I'll be back soon. I love you more x

After sending the text, he continued his work until the time became 9am. He sighed but eventually got up and saved his work.

He cuddled into Jungkook's hoodie as he walked to his house, the hood over his head and his hands nestled into the hoodie pockets.

He didn't know why he felt so nervous thinking about what was happening today. It was only his boyfriend and ex boyfriend having a singing and dance battle to win his heart? Like, it's so childish...right?

The crossdresser shook the thought out of his head and knocked on the door of the Two Kim's and Jeon, as they called it.

Seokjin opened the door with a smile, "Yoongi-ah, welco- oh my god were you hit by a bus? You look awful."

"No, hyung, I've just been up all night." Yoongi replied, walking in and taking his shoes off.

"That's not good, is it? Go get some sleep." Seokjin commented before walking off to the kitchen.

The rapper sighed and sniffled before slowly staggering towards his boyfriend's room. He opened the door and jumped onto the bed, making Jungkook jump.

"Woah kitten, you scared me," He chuckled. Yoongi let out a hum.

"Are you alright?"

Yoongi let out a small groan before getting under the cover and cuddling into his boyfriend's hoodie.


"I haven't slept for two days."

Jungkook frowned and wrapped his bare arms around Yoongi's small waist.

"Go to sleep then baby." The shorter smiled slightly at the statement and closed his eyes, his beautiful lashes laying comfortably on his pink cheeks. One of his hands was laying in-between his thighs and the other holding Jungkook's hand that was resting on his waist.

"Good night, gorgeous."

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