Klaine Model (P2)

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After Blaine manages to pull himself together, wiping his hands on his jeans three times to dry his sweaty palms, he heads into the loft they're using for the photo shoot and sets out to find Ben. He needs to give him Yvonne's notes for the day and try to get organised for the shoot.

Blaine finds the stylist crouched down on the ground in front of one of the models, who has his back to Blaine. Ben is hemming the pair of grey trousers the model is wearing, and as he pulls and tugs at the crisp fabric, Blaine's eyes are drawn up the model's long leg to the curve of a perfectly formed backside. It's the kind of ass worthy of passionate worship, given time and the right circumstances. Embarrassed by his momentary indulgence, Blaine clears his throat quietly, as if that might clear his head of his more nefarious thoughts.

Ben looks up at the sound and waves when he sees Blaine.

The model turns his head to follow Ben's gaze. And, of course ... it's Kurt. Blaine's intake of breath is so sharp that he has to cough to cover the sound. Because Kurt Hummel is even more beautiful in person.

Blaine stares open-mouthed for a minute.

Kurt purses his lips and raises both his eyebrows when he sees Blaine standing in the doorway, obviously confused by his presence, or perhaps annoyed at the blatant ogling that Blaine is indulging in. He looks down to Ben, giving him the same questioning look.

"This is Blaine, our art director for the day," Ben mumbles around the pins between his lips.

Blaine steps forward and smiles. "Yvonne's got the flu," he says, unable to think of anything else to say.

"I know," Ben replies. "She fill you in on the concept?"

Blaine nods. He walks around behind Ben and takes in the full outfit: skinny-legged grey trousers and a jacket that looks to be a cross between a leather bomber and a straightjacket. It looks amazing on Kurt.

"Hi," Blaine says, extending his hand to Kurt.

Kurt looks down at it like it might burn him and slowly drags his eyes back up to Blaine's face.

"Charmed," he says with a lifted eyebrow. He leans forward to look in the mirror, attempting to fix his already flawless hair. It's swooped up in a '50s-esque pompadour, that should look ridiculous. But Blaine thinks it looks perfect, and he almost says so before he realizes he's still holding his hand out and Kurt has completely left him hanging.

Blaine slowly withdraws his hand and shoves it unceremoniously in his pocket. "Likewise," he mumbles under his breath.

Yvonne wasn't kidding. This kid's an ice queen. It's kind of annoying to be honest. It's also kind of hot.

"Zach here yet?" Blaine asks.

"I think he's setting up some lights over by the east-facing windows." Ben jerks his head over his shoulder and Blaine heads off in that direction.

"What did I do to get saddled with the newbie?" Kurt says just loud enough to be sure Blaine hears it.

"Play nice," Ben replies, not bothering to conceal his chuckle.

Blaine tries to settle his nerves as he helps Zach finish getting set up. But between his apprehension at directing his first shoot and the ire he'd drawn from Kurt, his nerves are positively frazzled.

By the time they call Kurt in for a few test shots, Blaine's heart is racing and he's certain his hands are shaking. But he's afraid to look. He closes his eyes and takes a few calming breaths before Kurt appears on set. When he opens them, he feels, not calm necessarily, but at least he's somewhat composed.

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