Klaine In The Office

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"Alright, Blainey! Today's the day!"

"What day?" Blaine looks up from his phone as his best friend grabs him by the shoulders and steers him down the hallway. "What are you talking about?"

"Today is the day you ask Kurt Hummel out on a date."

Blaine looks at Tina's determined face, remaining remarkably calm as panic sets in between his eyes. "Wh-what? W-why would I do that?"

"Because the amazing Mr. Kurt Hummel is, like, the only thing you've talked about for the past three weeks. Since the second Isabelle hired the guy."

"I have not," he insists, doing his best to shake Tina off, take a sharp left out of her grasp and make a break for the cafeteria, but she's sticky. She refuses to let go, redirecting Blaine swiftly in the direction of Kurt's office.

"Yes, you have. And you told me that if you haven't asked him out by the end of summer, I should duct tape your hands behind your back, use you like a ventriloquist's dummy, and ask him out for you."

Blaine's head snaps in her direction, hazel eyes judging her hard. "Okay, I definitely never said that."

"You didn't?" She stops their mad dash to pause for thought. "Oh. Maybe that was a NyQuil dream. But you did say you'd ask him out by the end of summer, and today is officially the last day of summer, my friend."

"You can forget it," Blaine says, finally strong-arming his way out of her hold. "It's not happening. I made no such plan."

Tina steps to the side and blocks his path. "Yes, you did. You've talked about it at length. And I know you, Blaine. I've known you since high school. I bet you five bucks you even set an alert on your phone."

"Well, you're losing five bucks then because I absolutely did not set an alert."

Clutched in his hands, effectively forgotten, Blaine's phone chirps like an overly-convenient plot device. Neither Blaine nor Tina look down at the traitor, but Tina smirks.

"See." She snatches Blaine's phone. "I told you, Blaine Devon Anderson. Acting like I don't know you. I know everything about you, you ..." She clears the alert, but doesn't stop there when the page Blaine had been reading pops up behind it. "What the ...?"

"Tina!" he yelps, making a grab for the device, but she turns her back to him. "Don't look at that! I ..."

"What is all this?" She swipes through the tabs open on his phone. "Ways to break the ice at work? How to find out if he's single? Pick up lines that we guarantee aren't cheesy?" She reads through a few of them and chuckles. "Yeah, no. These are hella cheesy."

"I was just ... it's ... some light reading. Research for an article."

"Yeah, right. Blaine! You don't need any of this!" she says, handing back his phone. "You're a great guy just the way you are. And I see the way he looks at you when you talk to each other, the body language he uses when he's around you. He's waiting for you to ask him out, I know it. You just have to walk up to him and be yourself. He'd be insane to turn you down!"

"No, he wouldn't," Blaine mutters, locking his screen and pocketing his phone. "He'd be very sane."

"You're selling yourself short," Tina says, glancing up at the sound of footsteps headed their way. "I think you need to believe in yourself a little more."

"Believe in myself?" Blaine scoffs. "Just like that, huh?"

"Yup. And the next time you see him, simply walk up to him and ask him. It's really no big deal."

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