Chapter 3

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Jazmine's POV:

I woke up at 9:00 am. Strange, i usually wake up around 7:00. I went downstairs and walked into the living room. My family is quite rich so we have a big house in Beverly Hills Villas. The rest of my family was up already except my two older brothers Jack and Logan. Kayla was downstairs watching Spongebob Squarepants and personally i love that show. Bzz Bzz went my phone. "Someone texted you Jaz!" yelled Jack from upstairs. "SHUT UP JACK!" yelled Logan. "Your already up so whatever." Jack said carelessly. I rolled my eyes. "Who's the text from?" I yelled back. "Umm let me check....... It says..... Cameron. Who's Cameron?" Crud! My brothers are really protective of me so whenever i talk to a guy they go in like a protective mode. Jack sped down the winding stairs and walked into the living room which was where i was sitting on our black long couch. "Who's Cameron?" he asked again with a more stern tone. "It's this guy i met." "Where did you meet him?" He was dancing with his dance group!" "Are you guys talking about Cameron!?!?" I turned around, Kayla was standing right behind us eating a pancake. "How long have you been standing there?" asked Jack. "Long enough to hear that my older sister has a date with my love of my life!" I flopped on the couch and gave out a huge sigh. My family is probably the most dramatic people ever. "Where are you going with Cameron?" asked Jack. I mouthed 'I will tell you later' I didn't want to talk more about Cameron in front of Kayla. I went upstairs to my room and Jack followed me. Kayla stayed downstairs and just kinda stood there frozen. Jack closed the door and asked again, "Where are you going with Cameron?" "I am going to his live taping of his show Jessie." "Who's driving you?" "Oh my god Jack i don't know okay?" I said annoyed. "Fine fine i will leave you alone, just want to look after my little sis!" Then he playfully punched my arm and walked out of my room. I looked into my closet. To be honest i was a little nervous to go to the taping. I have never watched Jessie and i don't know who plays who and what not. I decided to to wear a floral dress with high top black converse and for my purse i decided to go with a black leather small purse with a gold chain strap. I put my hair half up and half down like Ariana Grande style. I walked out of my room just as Kayla was passing the door. "Well you look nice." she said sarcastically an rolled her eyes. "Kayla, i'm sorry i didn't tell you i had a date with Cameron, but i didn't want to hurt your feelings." It's okay, i forgive you." I knew she meant it. I headed downstairs. "Mom! Can you drive me to Hollywood Disney Studios?" "Sure!" Bzz Bzz

From Cameron:

Hey Jazmine! The cast usually all rides together, would you like us to pick you up?

I didn't know what to say. Riding with the whole cast! That would be awesome!

From Me:

Hi Cameron! That would be awesome if you could pick me up. I live in the Beverly Hills Villas the third house on the left!

I sent it with a happy grin on my face. Less than 15 minutes there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Cameron's cute freckled face! "Hello Jazmine with a z!" "Hello, Cameron with a C!" Wow that sounded dumb. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up and saw Jack. Oh great. "So you must be Cameron." "Yes. And who are you?" "I'm Jack, Jazmine's older and this is Logan, Jazmine's other older brother." said Jack pointing behind him. "Well nice to meet you." said Cameron. This was going too slow. "Well, we better get going bye!" I said walking out the door and closing it. "Call us if u need anything" said Jack and Logan." "Okay!" Cameron walked into the the car and I walked in after. I was so nervous to meet the cast. I walked in and looked at everybody. My

eyes stopped at a blonde girl with hazel eyes. She looked familiar. Then it hit me! "Oh my god! Peyton!" "Holy poop! Jazmine!"



Cameron's POV will be in next chapter.

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