New start

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After a lot of thought I finally decided that I would give it a go. My boss gave us all our details and information, the company we were going to had agreed to pay for apartments for us for the first two months that we were going to be in Australia just to help us.

A few weeks had passed and I had packed all of my stuff and it was finally the day we were going

"You ready?" Emily said as she helped me load the last of my bags into the minibus

"Yep, let's go!"

I took one last look at my apartment and got in the minibus to continue the journey to the airport.

After a few hours we arrived at the airport, we checked our bags in and made our way to a bar so that we could have a drink whilst we waited for our flight to be called.

I could hear Emily gasping and squealing with excitement as she looked through the pictures of the apartment we were going to be sharing. for some reason I didn't feel excited, I just felt worried and afraid of spending such a long period of time away from my family and friends. what if I hate it there? what if I don't make any friends? Just as I was getting all worked up I heard our flight being called over the speaker

"Flight 706 to Sydney now boarding!"

"Let's go!" Emily screeched as she grabbed my hand and dragged me as quick as she could to the gate

"Calm down it's not going anywhere just yet" I joked as we handed our tickets over to the attendant

We found our seats on the plane and settled down. no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't sleep I just had constant worry about Australia and what my new life would bring.

I was woken up by a large thud, I looked out the window to see the plane was just landing.

"How long have I been asleep?" I turned to ask Emily only to realise that she was still out cold

"Come on sleeping beauty we've landed" I nudged her and woke her from her much needed slumber

"Wow how long was I out?" She asked

"The whole way" I smirked

We collected our belongings from the over head lockers and headed for the baggage claim, I hate this bit.

As usual Emily got hers straight away and I'm left waiting by myself. my bags finally came around and no surprise they were the last ones, me and Emily headed outside to see if we could get a taxi and considering it was 4am it sure was busy.

I finally managed to spot an empty taxi so me and Emily grabbed our stuff and headed for it, as I reached out for the taxi door my hand was met by someone else's, I looked up to see the most amazing pair of blue eyes staring back at me.

"Oh uh sorry I didn't realise" I stuttered before he cut me off

"No no it's it's fine you take this one" he smiled thoughtfully

His voice was so sexy and husky I didn't know what to do I just stood there and stared into his eyes as he stared back.

"C'mon hurry up!" Emily groaned as she shoved me into the taxi

I must have been staring at this guy for so long that I didn't even realise em had taken my bags and loaded them into the taxi.we just sat in silence for the rest of the taxi ride, after realising that I'm probably never going to see them beautiful blue eyes again my mood was dampened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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