Sixty- Four

171 2 1

December 3, 2018

Birthing videos are not for the faint of heart. Please, watch them at your own risk.

"Maybe, I'll just keep her in here forever." I said, turning the video off and shutting my laptop. "That's seems like a good idea to me."

"Mer, you know that's not how it works." Mum said, rubbing my shoulders. "She's going to come out whether you want her to or not."

"Alright, next video." Mama said coming over and clicking on the next tab.

"Why are you guys torturing me like this?" I asked, trying to look away from the screen. But it was just one of those things where you can't look away.

"Because you're 37 weeks pregnant and could go into labor at anytime and you need to be prepared."

"How is watching someone shit on a table preparing me?" I said cringing, still not being able to look away.


"It's literally what's happening though." I said gesturing at the screen. "Making me watch these is cruel and unusual punishment."

"Like it or not, this is going to happen. But you will be with wonderful medical professionals who know what they're doing. You're main job will be to get Essie here as smoothly as possible. We want a healthy baby and momma!" Mum said.

"Yeah yeah."

"I'm just saying, I don't think it would be a bad idea if I just keep her in here forever." I said, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Relax, it's not even that bad once you actually start labor." Ally said. "It's not as bad in person."

"This coming from the person who only watched, and doesn't actually have to give birth."

"What are you guys talking about?" Niall asked, we turned around and looked at him, Shawn, and Charlie walking in from outside. They were shoveling the driveway in case we needed to leave. Which I don't understand why it would take three people to shovel a driveway.

"Mer's being a baby about the birthing videos she watched." Ally said.

"It's gross!" I said.

"Babe, it'll be fine once you go into labor." Shawn said hanging up his jacket.

"Hey! No uterus, no opinion!" I said.

"Fair enough,Rachel Green." Shawn said smiling and kissing the top of my head, before walking into the kitchen.

"I'm sure it'll be easier than you think." Charlie said walking in from the kitchen with a cup of juice.

"And the last time you pushed a baby out of your body was?" Ally asked.

"Listen, you guys don't understand, I'm pushing a like an actual human life form OUT OF MY BODY!" I shouted, waving my arms around dramatically.

"I mean, sure it's going to hurt. But it's natural thing, I wouldn't call it gross." Niall said, reasoning. He walked over and sat between me and Ally, putting his arm behind her on the couch. Shawn came back from the kitchen and sat on the other side of me, handing me one of the bottles of water that he brought back.

"So you guys really think that you could watch a video a someone giving birth and not have any reaction at all?" Ally asked standing up and walking over to where her computer was at.

"Yeah." Charlie said, plopping down on the love seat, cuddling the stuffed elf that was at the end. "By the way, this is my new girlfriend Ella." I rolled my eyes at him.

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