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Once Faline is able to follow on her own she too goes down to the cells. There she finds Lucius just finishing with his drinking. Faline looks at the ones that betrayed them and is very hurt. They are some of the older guards that have been here since she first came here. Some of her favorite guards, ones she considered friends.

With tears streaming down her face she goes to the one she considered a second father, "Why?"

"Faline..." Lucius tries to warn her but it was too late.

"You're nothing better than a vampire whore. You stupid ass bitch." The man spits out. "Lord Darin offered us a lot of money to allow the army he has coming to kill you and Lucius-"

But after he called her a vampire whore, Faline no longer heard him. He didn't have time to finish his thought either. Faline in anger did a round house kick and it was sufficient to take the wolf's head clean off. The sound of it hitting the far wall makes the others in the room more than a little nauseas.

"Money. Promises from a corrupt vampire lord. You are all fools and idiots. You sold yourselves to be killed. Either by myself and Lucius or by the so called army he has coming. You were never going to get whatever rewards he promised you. All you were ever going to get is death. You think I don't take care of my pack? The others have added protection on them to help them in this fight against the so called army. Now you will all be at their mercy if they win through and Lucius's if they don't.

"I am no whore. You all have mates, you call me a whore than you are calling yourselves and your mates whores as well. Just remember that." Faline says then spits on the cowardly traitors.

"Let's go, love." Lucius gently takes her arm and guides her out of the cell. Faline angrily wipes her tears from her face. She hates showing weakness.

"I hoped you wouldn't come down and see that." Lucius says pulling Faline into his arms once they are at the top of the stairs once more.

"Doesn't matter, that's all any of the wolves see when they see me." Faline is trying to not let the words affect her, but they are.

"Like you said, love, you aren't a whore. We're mates. We're bound together far stronger than the human marriages." Lucius says stroking her hair and once she calms down he leans down and kisses her. While kissing her he gives her some of the energy he gained from them to help her as well.

"I love you, Lucius, it will kill me if you ever rejected me." Faline whimpers afterwards.

"How could I reject my heart?" Lucius doesn't know where the cheesy words came from, but they are true all the same.

After giving her several minutes to collect herself he takes her to the kitchen and orders her to eat. "I don't think we'll have much more time to prepare. Will you be fighting in this form or as Star?"

"Star," Faline replies looking at her blood drenched clothes and wrinkling her nose in distaste. When she kicked the traitors head off she hadn't realized that the blood would spurt so far.

She goes into the kitchen and fixes herself a plate of food. She offers to fix some for Lucius but he shakes his head. He's more than fine with the blood of the wolves.

Once Faline finishes she cleans up a bit then changes into her wolf.

Lucius is giving instructions to Quinlin, Sharee and Tina. "Quinlin, Sharee, you can stay in the house to fight if you wish, but if you go out, stay out of the woods. I haven't had time to alter the magical defenses to accept you as part of the occupants yet. You'll trigger them and then you'll be dead. Any where in the main yard will be fine. The house has it's own protections so don't worry about protecting it. Besides, there's nothing in the house that can't be replaced." Neither Faline nor Lucius have anything from their families that are precious to them other than memories.

"We'll fight in the yard then." Quinlin says after talking with Sharee. Lucius nods he rather thought they would. Wolves don't like indoor fighting and it's just better and easier to fight in the open all way round.

"I'll be going to the roof and watching from there, to see where the best use of my magic would be." Tina says softly.

Lucius nods, "Very well, you know your way?" Tina nods. She's been to the house many times and knows how to access the roof and where she wants to go.

"They're almost here, Lucius," Tina warns. That's all they need to know. Both Quinlin and Faline start stripping and turning to their wolves. In no time the four leave the house and take up their defensive locations.

Sharee nervously rubs her hands, 'They will be able to handle any intruders by themselves there?'

'Love, Faline alone could likely hold off any intruders. But I have no doubt that there are some nasty surprises in store for any that go through the woods or Lucius wouldn't have warned us away.'

Sharee looks startled at that but nods thoughtfully. Lucius wouldn't have warned them if there weren't some particularly nasty defenses in the woods.

'Let's go kill us some vampires.' Quinlin's words make Sharee give a small smile.

'You do remember, love, that I'm a vampire too?'

'Nope, you're better than a vampire, you're my love.' Quinlin says rubbing up against Sharee's leg. If she hadn't been prepared it would have knocked her over.

Sharee laughs at his words. They race off to figure out a good place to wait.

Faline races ahead of Lucius and finds a good launching place and launches herself from the ground to the tree she was aiming for. Lucius smiles wickedly. She wants to take the trees to find the enemy. He's up for that. He too launches himself to the trees and follows behind her closely. Their passage almost completely silent.

Lucius smiles darkly as he finds wolves on his land.

"They are heading for the poisoned meat, let's take them out now." Faline or Star, he's not sure which says.

"No, let the meat take out some of them, there will still be plenty of others to kill."

"I'm not letting them get any further onto my territory than I have to," Star growls.

They watch as fights break out over who is going to get the meat. "Patience, love, let's see how this will work to our advantage first."

Seeing the fights, Star accepts his counsel and they watch to see the wolves kill each other over the poisoned meat.

The fights are short and vicious, fully half the wolves that were sent are dead. Lucius smiles satisfied with the results.

"Let some eat, but take out others without being seen if you can." Lucius says and that's all Star needed to hear. She jumps down silently and starts stalking her prey. 

Lucius does the same.

Their fights aren't nearly as vicious, but they are short.

In less than half an hour all those that they could find are dead.

"Let's see how the others have fared against the vampire's," Lucius says. Faline/Star sits back and looks at Lucius. His eyes are glowing an eerie color.

Lucius truly hates his own people.

She does't say anything just follows him out of the woods and to the main fight.

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