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Lucius spends as much time at Faline's side as he can. He directs things through the pack bonds as he prepares to face the vampire council.

The thought of their faces when they see him, he can't wait. Lord Darin will be more than a little upset. He's sure that it was reported that Star howled the loss of her mate. Seeing him walk in with the boxes, or at least some of them will be quite a shock.

Lucius decides that he can't take all the boxes into the building, there are over a hundred of them. Instead he directs all but ten of them to be delivered to the enclosed courtyard of the council building. Can't have the humans interfering in his business. And seeing ninety plus boxes merrily burning in a bonfire would surely bring humans running to put out the fire.

The day comes.

"Are you sure you want to come, Faline?" Lucius is less than pleased with that. Although he doesn't think there will be any actions against her, he doesn't want to put her into danger either.

"Knock it off, Lucius. I want to go, besides they think you are dead. Let them think that a little longer." Faline smiles and it looks more like one of Lucius's smiles than one of hers.

The others shiver just a little. Lucius has mellowed a great deal since Faline came to live with him, but she has also taken on a few of his ways as well.

"You have the papers, Sharee?" Lucius demands. Sharee had a wealth of information she stole from her father when she left her house. Her father wasn't all that stupid, or smart. He left papers that lead back to many crimes of Lord Darin, including the rogues that destroyed and enslaved the wolves, among them Faline's pack. It also proves that the attack against Lucius's family was nothing more than trumped up lies. The icing on the cake being that Lord Nastergal also left incriminating evidence against himself.

"I have paper copies for each of the council members." Sharee replies and holds up her own box. The other boxes were Lucius's gifts to the council. The dismembered parts of the army Darin sent against them.

"Quinlin are you ready to face the vampire council and your mates father?" Lucius smirks at the uncomfortable look on Quinlin's face.

"I'm not sure that I'll ever be ready, sir, but I'm going." Quinlin says, a sick look on his face. Lucius is more impressed with Quinlin in that moment than he ever has been.

They had already cleared the mating between Quinlin and Sharee with the werewolf council. Now they are clearing it with the vampire council. The werewolf council didn't really have a problem with it. They thought it was rather funny that a lower level wolf managed to snag a daughter of one of the mighty council members. They like the idea of a wolf having a say on the council. They do realize that won't happen until Sharee takes her father's place, but they trust Lucius to help her get that spot sooner rather than later.

They know how much Lucius detests Lord Nastergal. 

They find it hilarious that he is protecting Sharee and Faline's ex mate. They gave their immediate approval.

But the packs won't approve so easily so the two have decided to remain with Lucius for now, at least. Quinlin doesn't like being without a pack and with Faline he has his pack. Sharee feels safer being under Lucius's protection than being on their own as well.

Lucius hasn't regretted taking in either of them.

"Faline, I want to see if that spell is working," Tina says ignoring Lucius and turning her attention to his mate. Earlier Tina had placed a spell on Faline that would allow her clothes to turn with her when she changes. It's done with the same ink as the protection spell, so it's permanent. Tina is hoping that it works. She thinks if it does then she'll get a lot of wolf clients for it.

Faline immediately turns to Star and then back again. The clothes are perfectly fine.

"Tina, when there is time, I would like that spell as well. How much?" Quinlin asks after he is done with Lucius.

Tina smirks, "All spells like this are free for pack mates. But if you want to tell your former pack I'll let them know the price. I have to figure it out first.

"I'll be able to give you the spell tomorrow. There won't be time tonight." Besides with what Lucius wants done, she's not sure that she'll have the energy to place it after the meeting.

Quinlin is happy to hear it and works out a time for her to stop by the next day. Tina is the only pack member, so far, that doesn't live at the estate. She doesn't have a problem visiting but she doesn't like being surrounded by the wolves. She knows that they won't hurt her, but still...

Impatiently Lucius motions everyone to get in the vehicles. He's waited for this day for a very long time. He knows it won't bring his family back, but it will make sure that the two most corrupt council members are gone. They won't be able to hurt other innocent people again.

Faline takes his hand once they are both settled in the car. 

Just by doing that Lucius is able to calm down. They are so close to ending Darin once and for all that he has trouble keeping his killer side down. Faline helps him to concentrate on other things.

He'd come so close to losing her after the attack. Even after she allowed him to take her home it had taken her days to fully come back. Damage to their relationship isn't as easy to fix. Even though Faline knows that it was because of a spell it is still hard for her to overcome her feelings of betrayal. Not that he even really did anything, but still. 

"Lucius, tell me honestly, have you ever regretted taking me in? I know we've talked about this before, but," Faline looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Lucius shakes his head, "I've made you doubt me. I have never regretted keeping you in my life, Faline. You're the reason I no longer live in the dark paths of anger and vengeance. You've brought me so much joy and happiness I never thought to have again after my parents were killed. I was going to be a big brother, did I ever tell you that?" Faline shakes her head.

"Darin and the council took so much away from me. Now it's their turn to have things taken from them." Lucius kisses her hand.

"But, now I also have a goal for after the vengeance is taken. I have a beautiful mate to spoil and love for the rest of our lives." Lucius smiles as Faline turns pink with embarrassment.

The trip to the council hall would have been far shorter if they could have run, but the boxes couldn't be carried by them. So a long two hours later they finally arrive at the council building.

Lucius's men start unloading the boxes. When guards try to stop them from entering Lucius goes forward. When they see that Lucius is there they let them all pass without a word. All of them except Tina could smell the fear the vampire guards have. Faline smirks.

Lucius warns them to not tell anyone that he is there. They hastily assure him that they won't.

Lucius directs his men on where to take the boxes as he, Faline, Tina, Sharee and Quinlin go to the main room. They sit in the back in the shadows and watch as the council heads take their seats. Sharee clutches the box with the papers tight to her as she sees her father for the first time since she left. There is anger on his face, but nothing else.

Sharee knows then that he never loved her and it breaks her heart, but at the same time makes her more determined than ever to see this through.

The Lords don't notice Lucius and his group in the back and proceed with the meeting.

Lucius smiles and stands up. Simultaneously his men bring in the boxes reserved for the council heads, more specifically Lord Darin.

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