Poker Night

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Setting: The freshly cut green lawn in front of the mansion

*Sky and Alex are out on a romantic walk*

Alex: We should do this more, it's so peaceful out here.

*Sky sighs*

Alex: What's wro-

*They hear booming waves of laughter from the other side of the lawn, they run to see what's so funny*

Fox: -and then she said, "I don't got any candy!!!"

*An odd assortment of creatures start laughing*

Kitten: Mew mew mew mew

*Laughing stops and Fox looks over*

Fox: Oh hello, than-

*Kitten cuts him off*

Kitten: Mew mew mew mew!

Fox: Oh! Kitten wants me to tell you that you are her absolute best friends and she is so happy that you came to poker night that she-

*Alex cuts Fox off*

Alex: Wait, poker night?

Panther: Shriiieeeeeeeek

*Panther angerly slams her hand on the table*

Rufus: Yes I win!! 

*Rufus scoops half of panthers chips from her pile and moves it to his*

Lhasa:  :/

Fox: Oh yes, every Sunday we all play poker. Kitten and I have on three times in a row!!

*Lani runs from the mansion to the poker table with her arms full of chips*

Lani: I brought snacks!!!!!!

*Cheering from all the creatures*

Fox: Do you wanna join?

Alex: Umm, well-

*Sky runs over to the table, pulls up a chair*

Sky: Dealer, give me twenty

Dropbear (Dealer): Rawr

Alex: :/


Yay! I just finished the first chapter,
sorry if this is a little cringy, but this is my first spoof book. Anyway thanks for reading, and as my idol (Band Director) would say, go spread kindness and joy to the world


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