The Unwanteds Discover Sports

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*Lani is in the Museum Of Large when she stumbles across a book titled "Sports Through The Ages"*

Fox: Hey Lani, whatcha looking at?

Lani: A book.

Fox: What book?

*Kitten runs up to Lani and jumps onto her head*

Kitten: Mew mew mew mew mew mew.

Fox: *gasps* What, really!! whats a sport?

Kitten: Mew mew mew!!

Fox: Oh, I see.

Kitten: Mew.

Lani: What is going on?

Fox: Well kitten says that she knows how to play a sports.

Kitten: MeeeeeOW

Fox: Oh, pardon me, a sport.

Lani: Really, what is it called?

Fox: Oh you'll see.

*Fox leads kitten and Lan down the hallway away from the Museum Of Large and in the direction of the entrance*

Lani: Where are we going?

*Fox turns a sharp corner and laughs* 

Fox: Found it!

*Right before turning the corner Lani sees the 3D door that people go through to get to the Museum*

Lani: Wait, we just spent the last ten minutes walking when it was right next door the whole time!!!

Fox: I, um, I got lost.

Kitten: Mew mew mew mew mew mew mew!!!!

Fox: Ok, so the, ahem "Sport" kitten wants us to play is called Quidditch!!!!!!!

*Right as Fox says that a cluster of brooms and cleaning supplies falls out of the closet*

Lani: O_o wat

/Flash Forward(One Week)/

*Artime is on fire, there are holes in the roof and all of the windows are shattered*

*Over the horizon, Pan is swimming toward Artime*

Pan: What is wrong, I saw fires and heard screaming, are you under attack?


*Alex gets punched in the face by Samheed*



Another day, another spoof. Hope you guys enjoyed this one

~Carson Lemon

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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