Hey Austin!

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That night I lay in bed staring at the ceiling I couldn't stop thinking about Austin and that weird but wonderful moment we had shared on the beach I wanted to fall asleep to stop thinking about him, I finally drifted off around 12 o'clock.

'Ava, rise and shine !' I open my eyes which are blinded by the sun beaming through my window. I yawn a little and make my way down stairs. 'I made you pancakes' they smelled amazing 'where's Josh?' I asked curiously, Grandma took a sip of her coffee ' he's out mowing the lawn, and we have a full day planned, me, you and Natalie are gonna go shopping and then you can go out with that friend of yours Austin' I remembered that moment all over again, okay grandma.

The streets in California are different from New York, try we're more quiet, no horns or loud voices to be heard only the faint breeze rustling the leaves of the palm trees. After shopping we got a quick bit to eat and headed home.

I received a text from Austin; 'Hey Ava, wanna hang out? Be at yours in 10' I smiled at my screen, I replied with 'okay'. As we pulled up the drive way he was sitting on the porch with Josh, Austin and Josh got on so well together, they were both on the football team and stuff. He looks at me and smiles 'hey Ava', 'hey so you wanna go to the park?' As I start to walk along the path 'sure' he looks at Josh and does this weird handshake thing 'catch up with you later bro' he catches up to me and we walk down the street.

We sat on the swings rocking back and forth letting my feet sink into the sand 'So austin, how long you staying for?' 'The whole summer, you?' I start to swing bigger now 'umm the whole summer but we leave 3 days before we return to school so it isn't really the whole summer more like a huge portion of summer' I smile as he laughs 'you always talk like that' I look up to the sky 'yeah I know'. Austin gets u to push me on the swing 'so Ava I was wondering if you maybe wanna go catch a movie tomorrow at 7pm? My dad says there is this really cool movie theatre a few blocks from here' I think for a few seconds but obviously I will go! 'Sure' he smiles 'okay then'. It starts to get a little late so austin walked me home 'So the beach was fun' he brought up the beach oh no 'It was fun hanging out with you, and When we fell i-' I look at him as he stops talking 'it was fun' i Add, I think he stopped because the next thing that happened was the moment. We arrive at my grandma's house 'thanks for walking me home Austin I smile at him 'no problem Ava' I hugged him but it was longer this time, we smelled so good i wanted to keep the shirt. I walk inside on the house to find out that my grandma was listening to me and Austin outside, she smirked at me ' he likes you...you know that right?' 'No he doesn't grandma' i laugh off 'oh yes he does its a little to obvious' she smirks dans walks towards the kitchen 'c'mon dinners ready' i smile to myself, my grandma might be right.

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