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Beatrice climbed up the ferris wheel again and sat at the top . All of the flashbacks from high school scared her . She was bullied by Chase's friends and he just sat there and laughed .

" Hey , Myers ! " Someone called from the bottom of the ferris wheel . Beatrice rolled her eyes . It was Chase .

" Go away . "

" Come down or i'm coming up ! " He yelled .

She rolled her eyes again and continued to ignore him . Suddenly , Chase's head popped up and he climbed in the little box .

" Hey , Meyers . " He sent a small smile .

" Hi . " Beatrice said , looking down . The two sat in silence for a little while , until Chase broke the silence .

" Myers , " He said , " Can I explain what really happened ? " He asked .

" I don't want to hear it . " She mumbled .

" You do though . " He said .

Beatrice said nothing , continuing to look at her feet .

" It was the day after the party ... " He began .


enjoy :)


I smiled as you walked inside your house . I started walking back home when my phone started buzzing like crazy .

Caroline: Did you sleep with Bea ??

Caroline: How could you do this to me ??

Caroline: Hello ??

" What the hell ? " I mumbled as I walked inside . " Crazy ex I guess . " I jumped on my bed and fell asleep .

On Monday morning , everyone was looking at me weirdly . Some people were congratulating me , but I didn't know why .

When you walked into the classroom and ignored me , I had no clue what was going on . I thought you just weren't interested in me anymore or something . Which hurt a lot .

Once I saw that word on your locker , I asked my friend to tell me why everyone was congratulating me and he told me what happened .

Caroline started the rumor . Caroline spread the rumor because she was jealous of you . Plastic bitch .

Caroline left a few weeks later because she got expelled after I told the principal what happened .

I was guilty though . I never said the rumor wasn't true . And after you told me to leave you alone , I got so mad that I just laughed whenever my friends made fun of you .

It was stupid . I wish I never did that .


" Caroline did this... ? That's not true ... " Beatrice whispered .

" It is . Ask Natalie . " He said , grabbing cheezits from the food from earlier .


" She wanted to protect you . She didn't like me that much anyway after the bullshit Caroline told her . "

" Holy shet . " Beatrice took a deep breath .

There was another awkward silence between them . " I am so sorry . " Beatrice whispered .

" For what ? " Chase said , looking to the view .

" For blaming you . Ignoring you . Screaming at you . Everything . "

He looked over at her . " I'm the one who should apologize . I basically sat back and watched you get bullied . "

He looked over at Beatrice and wrapped his arms around her . She hugged him back . Suddenly , all the hate she had for Chase disappeared .

The two walked back to the hotel room . Even more people were in the hotel room by the time they got there .

Scotty immediately came up to them . He looked at Chase angrily . " What did you do to her ? "

" It's fine , Scotty . We figured it out . " She gave him a reassuring smile . He nodded and walked away .

Beatrice's eyes scanned around the room and landed on David . And Liza . Kissing . " I knew it . " She whispered . " What — "

Beatrice pointed at David and Liza .

Chase sighed . " We're rebounds , aren't we ? "

Beatrice nodded .

She pulled out her phone and texted David . " Over Liza ? Yeah right . I don't want to be your rebound . "

David looked down at his phone then back up , looking around for Beatrice . " Hey , i'm gonna go . " She whispered to Chase .

" Isn't this your hotel room ? "

" Yeah , but I can't be here anymore . I'll see you later . " She smiled , walking towards the door .

David finally caught sight of her and tried going after her , but she was already out the door .

stay tuned :)

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