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December 24th , 2018

A few months have gone by . David and Beatrice have been dating for 3 months , 24 days , 10 hours , and 43 minutes .

" Well , well , well . Look who it is . " Someone said as Beatrice and Natalie were decorating the Christmas tree in the new vlog squad house .

" JOSH !! " Beatrice smiled and gave him a huge hug . " I MISSED YOU !!! "

" I MISSED YOU TOO ! " He laughed . " Hey ! What about me ? :( " Natalie pouted .

" Of course I missed you , Stoopid ! " Josh picked her up and spun her around . " JOSH COME HELP ME WITH THESE BAGS !!! HOLY &*@! THIS IS HEAVY — Oh hey guys ! " Jason said , walking through the door .

Behind Jason was Trisha , who wasn't carrying anything and was on her phone . " Hey ! Why isn't Trisha helping ? " Josh huffed , jokingly .

" Because I'm busy . " She said , not looking up from her phone and plopping onto the couch .

" Merry Christmas to you too ! " Natalie laughed .

" MMMEEERRRYYYY CCHHRRRIIISSTTTMMAAASSSS !!! " Todd and Scotty walked through the door dressed like Santa .

Corrina and Kristen followed behind them , wearing matching Christmas sweaters . " And a Happy New Year ! "

Alex walked in carrying a white Ikea table . He was wearing a santa hat and the ugliest Christmas sweater imaginable .

" MERRY CHRISTMAS !! " He smashed the table . Everyone was laughing .

" Hey , why is everyone laughing — ALEX YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR ME TO GRAB MY CAMERA :( ! " David whined .

David pouted for a few seconds until his eyes shifted to Beatrice . More people entered as David walked towards Beatrice .

" Hi . " He smiled and grabbed onto Beatrice's hands . " Hi . " Beatrice quickly kissed his cheek .

" Awwww !! " A few people in the room smiled at the couple .

" Have mercy . " John Stamos and Lori Loughlin walked through the door . " UNCLE JESSE !!! — " Josh yelled .

Josh ran up to them and hugged them both . " Suprise ! " Aunt Becky — I mean Lori — said .

Lori and John walked over to Beatrice and David . " My favorite couple ! " Lori smiled . " Hey , I thought we were your favorite couple ! " Scotty and Kristen frowned .

" HOT CHOCOLATE !!  " Brandon yelled from the kitchen . Beatrice yEeTeD out of her chair and ran towards the kitchen .

Jonah looked at the stopwatch on his phone . " 3.49 seconds . A new record . " He laughed .

" Wow ! I even beat you ? I thought that was impossible ! " She teased him .

Beatrice picked up a cup of hot chocolate and walked back to the couch . " It's time for secret santa gift exchange ! " Kristen smiled .

" FFFIINNALLLYYY !! " Trisha squealed and picked up a Gucci bag . " Daaavvviiiddd ! "

" Again ? Holy crap . " David laughed and showed his goofy smile . Trisha handed him the bag .

David pulled a shoebox from the bag . He opened the box , finding a pair of eXpEnSiVe gUcCi sHoEs . " Holy sHiT , tRisH !! " He pulled her into a hug .

After a while of exchanging gifts , Beatrice ended up being the last one . " My turn . " David smiled , picking up a small red and gold bag . A Cartier bag .

Beatrice covered her mouth with her hands . " D-David what the fudgesicle — "

" Shhhh , just open it ! " He was about to explode with joy .

Beatrice slowly pulled out a red and gold box similar to the bag . She opened the box , revealing a silver Cartier love bracelet .

A tear fell onto the box as Beatrice picked it up . " David ... I can't accept this — "

" You can and you will . " David walked over to Beatrice and cupped her chin , quickly pecking her lips .

" I love you . " David smiled .

" Y-You what ? " Beatrice grinned and another tear fell onto the box .

" I . Love . You . " He smiled , pecking her lips again . Beatrice was about to explode . Everyone was staring at them and smiling .

" I love you too . "

heheheheh happy holidayz :D

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