01 Three's A Crowd

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Ana Omilana felt lonely.

But there really wasn't any singular, justifiable reason as to why she felt this way.

Afterall, the swarms of people all around her proved she wasn't really.

She just didn't speak to anyone.

Well, besides her brother Niko ofcourse, but he didn't really count in Ana's mind since he had disappeared within a few seconds of entering this party. Leaving her for a group of people she had never met before. Typical.

So there she was.


Niko's sister.

The Omilana that people looked over.

The girl who was only here because Niko had dragged her along.

Sitting all by herself in the corner of a random strangers apartment. A strobe light just to her left, flashing away vigorously giving her more of a headache than that of the stench of spilt beer people were dancing into the carpet.

A party, in which she admittedly wasn't even invited to, played out infront her as if it was her own personal movie.

With a packet of Doritos in one hand, and a Darth Vader helmet in the other, Ana couldn't help but smile to herself at how funny and random she would have found this. If it was happening to someone else that is.

Reaching her poorly painted nails into the Dorito bag, she focussed on finding the perfect unbroken triangle. There weren't that many left since she had been nibbling on them for the past 45 minutes. When she pulled out the chosen corn chip of cheesy goodness, she had discovered it had a crack in the middle.

Atleast there was still some in there she thought. Hopefully enough to keep her entertained until midnight. Then she would be able to find her brother most likely making out with another person she had never met, and somehow try to convince him to walk the streets back home in the new year.

Without having realised, someone had watched Ana for a solid half hour from when she first placed her butt on the soft carpeted floor. Someone else, who was also not too amused by the amount of alcohol consumption  happening around him.

No one else seemed to notice her except him. Well people must have seen her as well, they just didn't care.

Finally forming a mental strategy of what the 17 year old would say, he walked towards her with a stride similar to that of someone who was quite an introvert.

'I was about to ask if you wanted some company, but I guess I was sorely mistaken,' the brown haired boy said as an icebreaker which had embarrassingly taken him a while to think of. Not that he would tell anyone that.

He kept his eyes focussed on the helmet beside Ana as she struggled to fix her posture against the wall.

'Haven't you ever heard of "two's company,' She yawned slightly and patted the helmet which wasn't even hers, then finished with, 'and three's a crowd?"'

The boy's smile brightened as his plan seemed to have worked. He was talking to her and she hadn't shut him down.

'Guess I better tell you now that he probably has a plan to kill you then,' he shrugged and squatted down next to her, 'So I should try and protect you.'

With this statement, Ana's overall mood of the evening seemed to almost shift.

Why would someone even bother coming over to her? She wasn't sure if the two had met before, but something about him felt familiar. As did most of the people in the room had to Ana. Having a fair majority of them be popular on one social media platform or another.

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